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exemplary - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of exemplary in Hindi

  • अनुकरणीय
  • उदाहरणात्मक
  • निदर्शनात्मक
  • शिक्षात्मक
  • दृष्टांत योग्य


  • नमूने का

exemplary Definition


  • serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind.
  • (of a punishment) serving as a warning or deterrent.

exemplary Example

  • her works are exemplary of certain feminist arguments ( उनकी रचनाएँ कुछ नारीवादी तर्कों के अनुकरणीय हैं )
  • exemplary sentencing may discourage the ultraviolent minority ( अनुकरणीय सजा अतिहिंसक अल्पसंख्यक को हतोत्साहित कर सकती है )
  • The support provided was exemplary in all areas. ( प्रदान किया गया समर्थन सभी क्षेत्रों में अनुकरणीय था। )
  • His carefulness was exemplary, and his references are always exact. ( उनकी सावधानी अनुकरणीय थी, और उनके संदर्भ हमेशा सटीक होते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • His actions were exemplary in both respects.
  • For more than thirty years since then, its public art program has been considered exemplary.
  • Their behavior was often exemplary, with mature responses to challenging situations.
  • It is most exemplary how this hunter accepts failure.
  • This Warrior will report that your work is exemplary.
  • He is an exemplary, problem free and seasoned traveler.
  • A woman who lived a very honourable and exemplary life.
  • In recognition of his exemplary act of piety, the GIA.
  • The man had proven his theories of life in an exemplary.
  • It was just exemplary and worthy of admiration and praise.
  • Exemplary wives will sometimes find scapegoats in this way.
  • They do not have exemplary records for defending their clients.
  • He gives over hisattempt at seduction and leads an exemplary life.
  • This is an exemplary site.
  • The new pastor provided exemplary preaching.
  • In his domestic relations he was exemplary, and he lived on terms of mutual affection with a wide circle of friends.
  • His exemplary diligence and unusual mathematical capacity were soon noticed.
  • There was exemplary punishment of the printers who dared defy the Soviet government.
  • an award for exemplary community service