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excrement - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of excrement in Hindi


  • मलमूत्र
  • उत्सर्ग

excrement Definition


  • waste matter discharged from the bowels; feces.

excrement Example

  • The larvae of the tortoise-beetles have the curious habit of forming an umbrella-like shield out of their own excrement, held in position by the upturned tail-process. ( कछुआ-भृंग के लार्वा में अपने स्वयं के मलमूत्र से एक छतरी जैसी ढाल बनाने की जिज्ञासु आदत होती है, जिसे उलटी हुई पूंछ-प्रक्रिया  द्वारा स्थिति में रखा जाता है। )
  • The maggots may pass no excrement from the intestine until they have eaten all their store of food. ( जब तक वे अपने भोजन के सभी भंडार को खा नहीं लेते, तब तक कीड़े आंत से कोई मलमूत्र नहीं छोड़ सकते। )
  • In turn other animals took shape, the last being two golden spiders from whose excrement the earth gradually rose above the surrounding ocean. ( बदले में अन्य जानवरों ने आकार लिया, अंतिम दो सुनहरी मकड़ियाँ थीं जिनके मलमूत्र से पृथ्वी धीरे-धीरे आसपास के समुद्र से ऊपर उठ गई। )
  • A bucket, quickly smelling of excrement, occupied another corner. ( एक बाल्टी, जल्दी से मलमूत्र की महक, दूसरे कोने पर कब्जा कर लिया। )

More Sentence

  • The smell of dirt, excrement and death permeated the air.
  • Smith's special interest is in coprolites, fossilized excrement.
  • Ten million dollars on dog excrement is a lot of money,
  • They used pig intestines, minnows, coffee grounds, excrement.
  • Electric incinerating toilets turn excrement into a small amount of ash.
  • These missiles included anything from stones to excrement to rotting carcasses.
  • Most adult bulls are mark their territory with excrement and urine.
  • Also found were three footprints, and ten additional excrement samples.
  • In the absence of carrion, excrement provides a food source.
  • Debaere discovered the working with elephant-excrements at that moment.
  • It's difficult to see excrement in a sentence .
  • These are discussed by Mr Howard in the paper referred to, but in brief they all amount to measures of general hygiene, and the isolation, prompt removal, or proper sterilization of the animal or human excrement in which these flies breed.
  • Even less reassuringly, Dr. Adams theorizes: ' What if it had just been eating dog excrement?
  • Bird flu is transmitted from bird to bird by direct contact with bodily excrement and respiratory secretions.
  • They produce 900 tons of dog excrement per day.
  • When they first met McVeigh subjected Fr Smith to a torrent of racist abuse and threw excrement at him.
  • Black sewage water oozes down the middle and dried excrement litters the path that runs alongside.