excitable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of excitable in Hindi
excitable Definition
- responding rather too readily to something new or stimulating; too easily excited.
excitable Example
- Chip could be a bit wayward and excitable ( चिप थोड़ा स्वच्छंद और उत्तेजक हो सकता है )
- The presence of such dewlaps in lizards is always a sign of an excitable temper. ( छिपकलियों में इस तरह के ओस की उपस्थिति हमेशा एक उत्तेजित स्वभाव का संकेत है। )
- The miners were an energetic, covetous, wandering, abnormally excitable body of men. ( खनिक पुरुषों का एक ऊर्जावान, लालची, भटकने वाला, असामान्य रूप से उत्तेजित शरीर था। )
- The excitable foci of the cerebral cortex are well myelinated long before the unexcitable are so. ( सेरेब्रल कॉर्टेक्स के उत्तेजनीय फॉसी अनैच्छिक होने से बहुत पहले अच्छी तरह से माइलिनेटेड होते हैं। )
More Sentence
- They are, however, less excitable than are the nerve cells which innervate them.
- He was exceedingly tense, very wild-eyed and excitable.
- Not that it wasn't loud and excitable at times.
- This is where the placid Houston could unveil his excitable side.
- The longer Lou Piniella manages, the less excitable he gets.
- Her character is too fragile, too excitable, too shrill.
- Testaverde is normally as excitable as a bowl of bran cereal.
- "He's a very excitable personality ."
- The excitable crowd got what it wanted in the fourth inning.
- Excitable members often rush the speaker's podium in protest.
- It's difficult to see excitable in a sentence .
- He was a type of the French revolutionists, excitable, warm-hearted, half-educated, who lost their mental and moral balance in the chaos of the revolutionary period.
- In person Charles Kingsley was tall and spare, sinewy rather than powerful, and of a restless excitable temperament.
- His mind, excitable by nature, very imperfectly disciplined by education, and exposed to the enthusiasm which was then epidemic in England, began to be fearfully disordered.
- He is usually the calm one who tries to talk his excitable partner down.
- Eugenius was dignified in demeanour, but inexperienced and vacillating in action and excitable in temper.
- Sudanese are very excitable and apt to get out of hand; unlike the fellahs they are not fond of drill, and are slow to acquire it; but their dash, pugnacious instincts and desire to close with an enemy, are valuable military qualities.