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excessive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of excessive in Hindi


  • अत्यधिक
  • हद से अधिक
  • महा
  • हद से ज़्यादा
  • बेहद
  • अतिशय
  • बहिसाब

excessive Definition


  • more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.

excessive Example

  • he was drinking excessive amounts of brandy ( वह अत्यधिक मात्रा में ब्रांडी पी रहा था )
  • Politicians use an excessive amount of hyperbole. ( राजनेता अतिशयोक्ति का अत्यधिक मात्रा में उपयोग करते हैं। )
  • Maybe it was the mercury in the tuna she ate or the excessive amounts of chocolate. ( शायद यह उसके द्वारा खाए गए टूना में पारा या अत्यधिक मात्रा में चॉकलेट था। )
  • This leaves their body with excessive. ( इससे उनका शरीर अत्यधिक मात्रा में निकल जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • It can be caused by excessive friction.
  • With excessive force, he brushed it off.
  • Frugal comforts excessive force relieves.
  • The man who was arrested claimed the police used excessive force.
  • We studied a number of car accidents, and in each instance, it was either due to excessive speed, or a driver that was drunk, or both.
  • An excessive intake of alcohol can cause a variety of health problems.
  • The police board investigates all complaints of excessive force which are made against an officer.
  • Research shows that two out of every three deaths are premature, they are related to lack of physical activity, smoking or excessive drinking.
  • Paxton Blair noted that there has been in recent years excessive emphasis on a citizen's rights, and inadequate stress put upon his duties and responsibilities.
  • The complaint against the police for excessive force was upheld, and the officer was relieved of his duties.
  • A man is never so on trial as in the moment of excessive good fortune.
  • Debt Based on Excessive Construction Costs.
  • Beauties so excessive could not but enjoy.
  • Narcissism, excessive love or admiration of.
  • She cursed herself for her excessive concern.
  • Avoid giving a child undue excessive attention.
  • Excessive use of this hormone is not suggested.
  • The excessive demands made upon the Jews forbade a fair rate of interest.
  • In Germany the concessions made to the pope and the reservations maintained by him in the matter of taxes and benefices were deemed excessive, and the prolonged discontent which resulted was one of the causes of the success of the Lutheran Reformation.
  • This circumstance is due to the sea-breezes, which blow with great regularity, and temper what would otherwise be an excessive heat.