excellent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of excellent in Hindi
- उत्कृष्ट
- श्रेष्ठ
- अत्युत्तम
- प्रशस्त
- उत्तम
- प्रकृष्ट
excellent Definition
- extremely good; outstanding.
excellent Example
- their results are excellent ( उनके परिणाम उत्कृष्ट )
- He was an excellent horseman, and rode as if he were part of the horse. ( वह एक उत्कृष्ट घुड़सवार था, और इस तरह सवार हुआ जैसे वह घोड़े का हिस्सा हो। )
- He was in excellent condition. ( वह उत्कृष्ट स्थिति में था। )
- You have an excellent memory. ( आपके पास एक उत्कृष्ट स्मृति है। )
More Sentence
- Alexandra does a large amount of her boss' work for him already, so I think she would be an excellent replacement for him when he retires.
- She has all the attributes to be an excellent saleswoman.
- There were some excellent school bands from the U.
- playing in this year's Victoria Day parade.
- You paid $200 for that bike? That's an excellent bargain.
- In Captain Keller's library she found excellent books, Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare," and better still Montaigne.
- The cellar was full of barrels of excellent French red wine.
- Her beauty is a result of her excellent health and friendly character.
- Excellent idea – if you enjoy it.
- Excellent wine is made.
- a 3-bedroom house in excellent condition