exceed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exceed in Hindi
- बढ़ना
- अधिक होना
- बढ़ती करना
- बढ़ जाना
- आगे बढ़ाना
- सीमा से बाहर जाना या होना
exceed Definition
- be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing).
exceed Example
- The channels between the islands do not exceed 2 meters. ( द्वीपों के बीच के चैनल 2 मीटर से अधिक नहीं हैं। )
- The wind velocity did not exceed 20 km. ( हवा की गति 20 किमी से अधिक नहीं थी। )
- This force F must not exceed the value. ( यह बल F मान से अधिक नहीं होना चाहिए। )
- Before it is all over, the number of Facebook accounts will exceed the number of people on the planet. ( इससे पहले कि यह सब खत्म हो जाए, फेसबुक खातों की संख्या ग्रह पर लोगों की संख्या से अधिक हो जाएगी। )
More Sentence
- But though by an act of 1844 the railways were obliged to run at least one train a day over their lines, by which the fares did not exceed the " Parliamentary " rate of id.
- The Ural Mountains do not exceed 2000 or 3000 ft.
- Nothing can exceed the dread which the Purrah inspires.
- Nothing can exceed the anarchy that has followed in our skies.
- Don't exceed your time limit.
- We know that it did not much exceed two hundred tons burden.
- They are about to open a new mine that is to exceed anything ever known.
- Still nothing could exceed the sombre and funereal aspect of the spot.
- The maximum speed must not exceed sixty-five miles per hour.
- Probably throughout Persia their number does not exceed 8000.
- It is only on the Black Sea coast that the absolute range of temperature does not exceed 108°, while in the remainder of Russia it reaches 126° to 144°, the oscillations being between - 22° and - 31°, occasionally going down as low as - 54°, and rising as high as 86° to 104°, or even 109°.
- The loss of the English did not exceed 700 killed and too() wounded; while the Irish, in their disastrous flight, lost about 7000 men, besides the whole material of the army.
- If the number of inhabitants exceed 500, the commune must also provide a special school for girls, unless the Departmental Council authorizes it to substitute a mixed school.