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exalt - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of exalt in Hindi


  • प्रशंसा करना
  • पदोन्नत करना
  • सराहना करना
  • ऊंचा पद देना
  • बढ़ाना
  • ऊंचा करना
  • बड़ाई करना

exalt Definition


  • hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of.

exalt Example

  • the party will continue to exalt its hero ( पार्टी अपने नायक को ऊंचा करना जारी रखेगी )
  • It was reserved for the 18th century to exalt Racine above Corneille. ( यह 18 वीं शताब्दी के लिए कॉर्नेल के ऊपर रैसीन को ऊंचा करने के लिए आरक्षित था। )
  • It should be noticed that Hartley's sensationalism is far from leading him to exalt the corporeal pleasures. ( यह ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए कि हार्टले की सनसनीखेज उसे भौतिक सुखों को बढ़ाने के लिए प्रेरित करने से बहुत दूर है। )
  • A star/angel which wanted to exalt himself to the level of. ( एक सितारा/परी जो खुद को के स्तर तक ऊंचा करना चाहता था। )

More Sentence

  • Capernaum ceased to exalt and was covered by sand of Galilee's.
  • It would exalt the backstabbers who rallied the moment a rival.
  • He preferred not to exalt or gloat in the defeat of a courageous foe.
  • Whoever proud and haughty shall be brought low, but I exalt the humble.
  • You exalt sinful men into the position of mediators between God and man.
  • Not leaders that seek their own honor or use believers to exalt themselves.
  • The whole purport of his remarks now was evidently to exalt himself and insult.
  • And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and.
  • They follow the men who exalt themselves, who have the material, governmental and.
  • The whole purport of his remarks now was evidently to exalt himself and insult Alexander--just what he had least desired at the commencement of the interview.
  • Here we may notice that the perpetuation of the republic by means of the armed forces tended to exalt the army at the expense of the civil authorities.
  • Always in large part French, the Crusades had on the whole contributed to exalt the prestige of France, until it stood at the end of the r3th century the most considerable power in Europe.