exact - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exact in Hindi
- बलपूर्वक वसूल करना
- बलपूर्वक लेना
- यथातथ्य
- त्रुटिहीन
exact Definition
- not approximated in any way; precise.
- demand and obtain (something, especially a payment) from someone.
exact Example
- psychomedicine isn't an exact science yet ( साइकोमेडिसिन अभी तक एक सटीक विज्ञान नहीं है )
- she was an exact, clever manager ( वह एक सटीक, चतुर प्रबंधक थी )
- I didn't have an exact date. ( मेरे पास कोई सटीक तारीख नहीं थी। )
- Medicine isn't an exact science. ( चिकित्सा एक सटीक विज्ञान नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- We need an exact location too, within fifty or a hundred feet.
- When the two runners crossed the line, the judge needed an exact time for each runner since it was unknown who won.
- When salmon return to the river to lay their eggs, they go within 10 feet of the exact spot where they were born.
- Some people say up to one million Cambodians were killed by the Khmer Rouge, but the exact number may never be known.
- In both studies the test was scored on an exact word criterion.
- He can remember the exact moment when he first saw his wife because he says he knew then that she was the woman that he would marry.
- You have to be very exact when you are measuring the floor, or the carpet won't fit properly.
- The unambiguous nature of exact word-match makes it an attractive method for assessing intelligibility.
- If the chef did not use the exact measurements for each ingredient in the recipe, then the souffle would fall so he measured carefully.
- Her cell phone rang at the exact time she was certain that her head would burst.
- The break-in was only hours old and we knew the exact location from Howie's first visit.
- the exact details were still being worked out
- an exact replica, two feet tall, was constructed