evoke - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of evoke in Hindi
- पुकारना
- आह्वान करना
- पैदा करना
- जगाना
- जाग्रत करना
- बुलाना
evoke Definition
- bring or recall to the conscious mind.
- invoke (a spirit or deity).
evoke Example
- The story about the country boy managed to evoke nostalgia. ( देश के लड़के के बारे में कहानी पुरानी यादों को जगाने में कामयाब रही। )
- Secondly, different colors evoke different emotions. ( दूसरे, अलग-अलग रंग अलग-अलग भावनाओं को जन्म देते हैं। )
- Almond's brilliant characterization and ability to evoke atmosphere, time and place mixes the real and unreal in a totally believable way. ( बादाम का शानदार चरित्र चित्रण और वातावरण, समय और स्थान को जगाने की क्षमता वास्तविक और असत्य को पूरी तरह से विश्वसनीय तरीके से मिलाती है। )
- I often stand before it and evoke her. ( मैं अक्सर उसके सामने खड़ा होता हूं और उसे जगाता हूं। )
More Sentence
- What had he said to evoke this luminous hatred?
- He liked to evoke those little speeches of hers.
- The jests evoke roars of laughter.
- Therefore I confidently await and evoke you.
- Evoke His energy and ask.
- Your theme should evoke practicality and purpose.
- The more the essences that those creations evoke.
- I left it at that, not wanting to evoke an argument or a.
- That announcement doesn’t evoke inquiry or disagreement.
- But a recognition of the need may evoke a great writer for children.
- He recalled the early gossip and sought to evoke her as a professional model.
- One can well sense the feeling which this comparison may evoke in many people.
- Now the spirit we evoke we must control, or else we must become its slave.
- But you cannot evoke Religion "in vacuo.
- Both punks evoke particular moods or eras.
- Yet, despite all, the angel as an embodiment of purity prevails, and still has the power to evoke awe and wonder.