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even - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of even in Hindi

  • यहाँ तक की


  • और भी
  • समान रूप से
  • बराबर
  • युग्म
  • बराबर करना
  • समतल करना


  • सम
  • समतल
  • चौरस
  • समगुणएक-रूप


  • संध्या


  • सम करना

even Definition


  • flat and smooth.


  • the language of the Even, a Tungusic language with about 6,000 speakers, closely related to Evenki.
  • a member of an indigenous people of eastern Siberia.
  • the end of the day; evening.


  • used to emphasize something surprising or extreme.


  • make or become even.

even Example

  • what is this whole thing even about? ( यह पूरी बात भी क्या है? )
  • he knows even less about it than I do  ( वह इसके बारे में मुझसे भी कम जानता है )
  • prepare the site, then lay an even bed of mortar ( साइट तैयार करें, फिर मोर्टार का एक समान बिस्तर बिछाएं )
  • an even gender balance among staff and students  ( स्टाफ और छात्रों के बीच एक समान लिंग संतुलन )

More Sentence

  • she cut the hair again to even up the ends
  • it's not an even fight
  • the Dow Jones ended at an even 10,000
  • just one more favor and we're even, OK?
  • a meter that reads only in even numbers
  • they traveled at an even and leisurely pace
  • Justice must be done even if the sky falls.
  • No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law.
  • Before gold, even kings take off their hats.
  • If you remove stone by stone, even a mountain will be levelled.
  • Money can move even the gods.
  • A scalded cat dreads [fears] (even) cold water.
  • headers can be placed on odd or even pages or both
  • run a file along the saw to make all of the teeth even with each other
  • a man of good humor and even temper
  • bring it to my house this even
  • they wore fur hats, even in summer
  • what even is bitcoin, anyway?
  • any number doubled is even
  • they have never even heard of the US