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evasive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of evasive in Hindi

  • कपटपूर्ण
  • गोलमाल
  • टालने वाला
  • छली
  • कपटी
  • कुटिल


  • कपटपूर्ण
  • टाल-मटूल करनेवाला

evasive Definition


  • tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly.

evasive Example

  • they decided to take evasive action ( उन्होंने टालमटोल करने वाली कार्रवाई करने का फैसला किया )
  • I know, and I guess I was deliberately a little evasive because I wanted you to learn to trust me. ( मुझे पता है, और मुझे लगता है कि मैं जानबूझकर थोड़ा टालमटोल कर रहा था क्योंकि मैं चाहता था कि आप मुझ पर भरोसा करना सीखें। )
  • Deidre was evasive about what happened though she, too, was insistent that the terms were complete. ( क्या हुआ, इस बारे में डिड्रे टाल-मटोल कर रही थी, हालांकि वह भी इस बात पर ज़ोर दे रही थी कि शर्तें पूरी हों। )
  • Her manner was always very evasive; she would never look straight at me. ( उसका ढंग हमेशा बहुत ही स्पष्टवादी था; वह कभी सीधे मेरी तरफ नहीं देखती। )

More Sentence

  • He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean.
  • She gave an evasive answer.
  • His evasive reply prompted me to ask another question.
  • He was evasive, to the point of secretiveness.
  • Persia claimed the principality of Herat as part of the empire of Nadir, but her pretensions had been satisfied by payments of tribute or evasive replies.
  • Megan is being very evasive about where she spent her weekend.
  • No notice was taken by the king of this famous, though somewhat evasive, reply, but the judges were again asked what course they would take in the special case now before them.
  • she was evasive about her phone number