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euro - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of euro in Hindi


  • यूरो
  • युरो

euro Definition


  • the single European currency, which replaced the national currencies of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands in 2002. Nineteen member states of the European Union now use the euro.
  • the common wallaroo.

euro Example

  • She joined them at the door with enough loose euro change for a couple of beers and dinner. ( वह एक दो बियर और रात के खाने के लिए पर्याप्त ढीले यूरो परिवर्तन के साथ दरवाजे पर उनके साथ शामिल हो गई। )
  • There will be nothing about the democratic deficit, or about the many problems being created by the euro. ( लोकतांत्रिक घाटे के बारे में या यूरो द्वारा पैदा की जा रही कई समस्याओं के बारे में कुछ नहीं होगा। )
  • Table 1 presents the unit costs in euros of the main diagnostic tests and treatment interventions, as used in the cost analysis. ( तालिका 1 मुख्य नैदानिक ​​परीक्षणों और उपचार हस्तक्षेपों के यूरो में यूनिट लागत प्रस्तुत करती है, जैसा कि लागत विश्लेषण में उपयोग किया जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • Common options are to have a euro denominated bank account for receiving payments.
  • The smartly dressed football hooligans with well paid jobs of Euro 2000?
  • I collected 24p and 10 Euro cents, and my friend got a lovely pink cardigan.
  • Next we want to your women's football pics, in order to celebrate the sporting carnival that is Euro 2005.
  • And throughout the euro area, a number of steps are being taken to facilitate the cash changeover.
  • Given the success of the euro area changeover, there is no reason for the UK to adopt a different approach.
  • Euro checks drawn on UK banks can be cleared through the euro check clearing.I collected 24p and 10 Euro cents, and my friend got a lovely pink cardigan.
  • Next we want to your women's football pics, in order to celebrate the sporting carnival that is Euro 2005.
  • And throughout the euro area, a number of steps are being taken to facilitate the cash changeover.
  • Given the success of the euro area changeover, there is no reason for the UK to adopt a different approach.
  • Euro checks drawn on UK banks can be cleared through the euro check clearing.
  • Corporate bond issuance in euro this year has been spectacular.