eunuch - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of eunuch in Hindi
- हिजड़ा
- नपुंसक
- हिंजड़ा
- क्लीव
- नपंसक
- बधिया
- षण्ड
eunuch Definition
- a man who has been castrated, especially (in the past) one employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court.
eunuch Example
- In 374 he was assassinated by a eunuch from motives of private revenge. ( 374 में निजी बदला लेने के मकसद से एक किन्नर ने उनकी हत्या कर दी थी। )
- The conduct of a new campaign was entrusted to the eunuch Narses; Totila marched against him and was defeated and killed at the battle of Tagina in July 552. ( एक नए अभियान का संचालन किन्नर नरसेस को सौंपा गया था; टोटिला ने उसके खिलाफ चढ़ाई की और जुलाई 552 में टैगिना की लड़ाई में हार गया और मारा गया।)
- Arcadius submitted at first to the guidance of the praetorian prefect Rufinus, and, after his murder (end of 395) by the troops, to the counsels of the eunuch Eutropius (executed end of 399). ( आर्कैडियस ने सबसे पहले प्रेटोरियन प्रीफेक्ट रूफिनस के मार्गदर्शन के लिए प्रस्तुत किया, और, उसकी हत्या के बाद (395 के अंत में), यूनुच यूट्रोपियस (399 के निष्पादित अंत) के वकील को। )
More Sentence
- A eunuch is a eunuch with a eunuch's reputation.
- A eunuch is a eunuch with a eunuch's reputation.
- Eunuch priests have served various goddesses from India for many centuries.
- Uniquely in Greek religion, she had a eunuch mendicant priesthood.
- Favorinus is described as a eunuch ( ?P?????? ) by birth.
- A eunuch is a eunuch with a eunuch's reputation.
- An offshoot of the Khlysti is the more celebrated secret sect of the Skoptsi (skopets, a eunuch), which represents an extreme ascetic reaction from the promiscuous immorality of some (by no means all) of the Khlysti.
- Johns, to whom reference has already been made, demurs (in a communication to the writer) to the fusion of the priest and the magician, and to the custom of " calling every unknown official a priest or a eunuch."