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esturay - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of esturay in Hindi


  • मुहाना
  • दहाना
  • दहाना
  • नदमुख
  • वेला संगम
  • ज्वार

esturay Definition


  • the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream.

esturay Example

  • The Gabun, in reality an estuary of the sea, lies immediately north of the equator. ( गैबुन, वास्तव में समुद्र का मुहाना है, भूमध्य रेखा के ठीक उत्तर में स्थित है। )
  • The great port of Le Havre stands at the mouth of the Seine estuary, which opens into the bay of,the Seine on the east. ( ले हावरे का महान बंदरगाह सीन मुहाना के मुहाने पर स्थित है, जो पूर्व में सीन की खाड़ी में खुलता है। )
  • The Lakonee River and the Atlantic Ocean form an estuary not far from our home. ( लकोनी नदी और अटलांटिक महासागर हमारे घर से कुछ ही दूरी पर एक मुहाना बनाते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Because fishing is good in an estuary, many fishermen will travel far to find an area where the ocean meets the river.  
  • My kids enjoy swimming in the estuary because the ocean water is not too salty once it merges with the freshwater.  
  • With its access to the ocean, the Cander estuary is a perfect lakefront area for families.  
  • During the hurricane, the ocean tides moved forcefully into the river’s estuary.  
  • It lies on the estuary of the Lymington, which opens into the Solent.
  • The Fitzmaurice, discharging into the estuary of the Victoria, is also a large stream.
  • It is picturesquely situated at the head of the estuary of the river Camel, 7 m.