estuaries - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of estuaries in Hindi
estuaries Definition
- the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream.
estuaries Example
- The shore line is broken on both sides by the estuaries of several rivers. ( तटरेखा दोनों तरफ कई नदियों के मुहाने से टूटती है। )
- About two dozen ugly-looking species inhabit rivers and estuaries from Bengal to Australia. ( लगभग दो दर्जन बदसूरत दिखने वाली प्रजातियां बंगाल से ऑस्ट्रेलिया तक नदियों और मुहल्लों में निवास करती हैं। )
- The crocodile is common in many of the rivers and estuaries of Siam, and there are many lizards. ( सियाम की कई नदियों और मुहल्लों में मगरमच्छ आम है, और कई छिपकलियाँ भी हैं। )
More Sentence
- The best of these harbours are at the mouths of rivers which have been depressed so as to form estuaries with wide entrances.
- The many estuaries and river-mouths that intersected the coast also made travel on horseback difficult.
- The coast-line is ragged, indented, and inhospitable, lined with deep reefs and broken by the estuaries of brawling rivers.
- When the breeding season is over, Curlew leave the mountain and the moor and return to the coast or tidal estuaries for the remainder of the year.
- It is irregularly distributed over vast surfaces of all our continents, and must be considered as the beds of estuaries left at the conclusion of the cretaceous period.
- Oysters are found in large numbers in the estuaries and fixed to the submerged parts of the mangroves.
- The scenery of the neighbouring Orwell and Stour estuaries is pleasant.