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erroneous - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of erroneous in Hindi

  • ग़लत
  • त्रुटिपूर्ण
  • भूलयुक्त


  • ग़लत
  • अशुद्ध

erroneous Definition


  • wrong; incorrect.

erroneous Example

  • employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions ( नियोक्ता कभी-कभी गलत धारणा बनाते हैं )
  • He was accused of erroneous doctrine, and the Spanish viceroy of Naples prohibited his preaching. ( उन पर गलत सिद्धांत का आरोप लगाया गया था, और नेपल्स के स्पेनिश वायसराय ने उनके प्रचार पर रोक लगा दी थी। )
  • Indeed, he never shook off the erroneous ideas of his time regarding the paths of projectiles, further than to see that no part of them could be a straight line. ( वास्तव में, उन्होंने प्रक्षेप्य पथ के बारे में अपने समय के गलत विचारों को कभी नहीं हिलाया, यह देखने के अलावा कि उनमें से कोई भी हिस्सा सीधी रेखा नहीं हो सकता है। )
  • As it turned out, the jury’s erroneous decision that the defendant was guilty caused irreparable damage when he was attacked by some of the inmates in his cell block.  ( जैसा कि यह निकला, जूरी का गलत निर्णय कि प्रतिवादी दोषी था, जब उसके सेल ब्लॉक में कुछ कैदियों द्वारा हमला किया गया था, तो उसे अपूरणीय क्षति हुई थी। )

More Sentence

  • Something was terribly erroneous, that was clear on his face.
  • Michel, based upon the erroneous directions given to him by Doug.
  • When this erroneous news was cabled to headquarters, the order to:.
  • This information is erroneous or incomplete in the following respects:.
  • In the latter case we need to find out which of the prices is erroneous.
  • All of the above nine reasons for holding views and opinions are erroneous.
  • Despite the fact that you used an erroneous method to solve the problem, somehow you managed to arrive at the correct solution.  
  • Because Olivia believed that David embraced some erroneous ideas regarding religion, she knew that they would never be compatible in a relationship.  
  • These fossils, which are now in the British Museum, were interpreted by Dr Mantell, who made comparisons with the skeleton of Iguana, on the erroneous supposition that the resemblance in the teeth denoted some relationship to this existing lizard.
  • However, on further examination, the claim can be seen to be wholly erroneous.
  • By the 13th of June he had learnt the truth, and sailed for Gibraltar under the erroneous impression that the French admiral would return to Toulon.