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equipping - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of equipping in Hindi


  • लैस करना
  • सज्जित करना
  • सजाना
  • संवारना
  • सन्नद्ध करना

equipping Definition


  • supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose.

equipping Example

  • During the War of 1812 he was active in equipping and arming the New York militia. ( 1812 के युद्ध के दौरान वह न्यूयॉर्क मिलिशिया को लैस करने और उसे हथियार देने में सक्रिय थे। )
  • But the queen is said to have refused it, saying that the money would be better spent equipping a man-of-war. ( लेकिन कहा जाता है कि रानी ने यह कहते हुए मना कर दिया था कि यह पैसा मानव-युद्ध को लैस करने में बेहतर होगा। )
  • In 1906 Alfred Beit bequeathed £200,000 towards the cost of erecting and equipping university buildings. ( 1 9 06 में अल्फ्रेड बीट ने विश्वविद्यालय भवनों को खड़ा करने और लैस करने की लागत के लिए £ 200,000 का वसीयतनामा किया। )
  • This was said by a man who had made huge profits equipping miners, so his opinion should not be considered biased or pessimistic. ( यह एक ऐसे व्यक्ति ने कहा था जिसने खनिकों को लैस करके भारी मुनाफा कमाया था, इसलिए उसकी राय को पक्षपाती या निराशावादी नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • The Tarakanian ruler gathered his large army together, and equipping it with cannons and rifles, crossed the boundary line into Ivan’s kingdom.
  • This is the context-making that education could be equipping minds with so that they have the potential of not only becoming, but also feeling the only spirituality there is – love.
  • Constructing a separate SAN using Fibre Channel or Gigabit Ethernet is far cheaper than equipping all of the computers on your network with ultra-high-speed network interface adapters.
  • While I absolutely believe that all of these offices are alive and well in the Body of Christ today, these are not offices of exclusiveness, but offices of ministry for equipping and training.
  • Chosen pope in April 1455, he was very anxious to organize a crusade against the Turks, and having sold many of his possessions, succeeded in equipping a fleet.
  • Stewart, John Jacob Astor, and other New York men, on the Union Defence Committee, which (from April 22, 1861, to April 30, 1862) co-operated with the municipal government in the raising and equipping of troops, and disbursed more than a million dollars for the relief of New York volunteers and their families.