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equanimity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of equanimity in Hindi


  • समभाव
  • संतुलन
  • समता
  • स्वभाव की समभाव
  • समवृत्ति
  • गम्भीरता

equanimity Definition


  • mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.

equanimity Example

  • she accepted both the good and the bad with equanimity ( उसने अच्छे और बुरे दोनों को समान रूप से स्वीकार किया )
  • Gentleness, equanimity and benevolence were native to him. ( सज्जनता, समभाव और परोपकार उनके मूल निवासी थे। )
  • The petty ills of life do not disturb his equanimity. ( जीवन की छोटी-छोटी बीमारियाँ उसकी समता को भंग नहीं करती हैं। )
  • As regards his execution of the former part of his duties, it is sufficient to say that he preserved his equanimity undisturbed in the darkest hours of peril, and that the strict impartiality of his conduct incurred alternate praise and blame from the fanatics on either side. ( अपने कर्तव्यों के पूर्व भाग के निष्पादन के संबंध में, यह कहना पर्याप्त है कि उन्होंने संकट के अंधेरे घंटों में अपने समभाव को बरकरार रखा, और उनके आचरण की सख्त निष्पक्षता ने दोनों तरफ कट्टरपंथियों से वैकल्पिक प्रशंसा और दोष लगाया। )

More Sentence

  • During the horrible storm, it was hard for us to focus and maintain our equanimity.  
  • When you are being screamed at for no reason, it is difficult to keep your equanimity.  
  • She accepted the prospect of her operation with equanimity .
  • Nothing disturbs his equanimity.
  • He had a kind of gentleness and equanimity.
  • Jennifer explains this with an equanimity that characterises her.
  • She supposed it gave him his equanimity.
  • If my mother does not take her antidepressants, she has a hard time upholding her equanimity and often bursts into tears.  
  • The government agent was a man of great equanimity who remained his composure even when surrounded by a dozen killers.  
  • A short pause of story reading [barefoot animal stories] restored sb's equanimity.
  • The person who has reached the state of perfection has equanimity toward the vicissitudes of life.