epicentre - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of epicentre in Hindi
- उपरिकेंद्र
- अधिकेंद्रउ उत्केन्द्र
epicentre Definition
- the point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake. ( भूकंप के फ़ोकस के ऊपर पृथ्वी की सतह पर स्थित बिंदु। )
epicentre Example
- The pair have been helping people on an island off North Sumatra, the closest inhabited area to the epicentre of the earthquake, which was ravaged by the deadly waves. ( यह जोड़ी भूकंप के उपकेंद्र के सबसे नज़दीकी बसे उत्तरी सुमात्रा के एक द्वीप पर लोगों की मदद कर रही है, जो घातक लहरों से तबाह हो गया था। )
- The epicentre of that earthquake was about 20 kms north of Napier, on the opposite side of the North Island. ( उस भूकंप का केंद्र उत्तरी द्वीप के विपरीत दिशा में नेपियर से लगभग 20 किलोमीटर दूर था। )
- By the time the rain woke me the next morning my stomach rumbled like the epicentre of an earthquake and I realized I had no choice but to take destiny into my own hands. ( अगली सुबह जब बारिश ने मुझे जगाया तो मेरा पेट भूकंप के केंद्र की तरह टूट गया और मुझे एहसास हुआ कि मेरे पास अपने हाथों में भाग्य लेने के अलावा कोई चारा नहीं था। )
- The British Geological Survey said the epicentre of the earthquake - the largest to hit Britain for ten years - was ‘right under Birmingham’. ( ब्रिटिश जियोलॉजिकल सर्वे ने कहा कि भूकंप का केंद्र - दस साल के लिए ब्रिटेन को हिट करने के लिए सबसे बड़ा - 'बर्मिंघम के तहत' सही था। )
- But round these parts eating is only a warm-up for the main event, as I discover when we later descend into the teeming lanes around Concert Square, epicentre of Liverpool nightlife. ( लेकिन खाने के इन हिस्सों को गोल करना मुख्य घटना के लिए केवल एक वार्म-अप है, जैसा कि मुझे पता चलता है कि जब हम बाद में कॉन्सर्ट स्क्वायर के आसपास टेमिंग लेन में उतरते हैं, तो लिवरपूल नाइटलाइफ़ के उपरिकेंद्र। )
- And at the epicentre of the military build-up is it's air base. ( और सैन्य निर्माण के उपकेंद्र पर यह एयर बेस है। )
More Sentence
- Police feared the number of casualties could rise even further once authorities reach remote areas, including a tiny island closest to the epicentre of the earthquake, which struck on Sunday night.
- The area is an epicentre for earthquakes caused by tectonic plates moving apart.
- The area was the closest to the epicentre of the earthquake, bore the full brunt of the subsequent tsunami and was clearly one of the worst affected areas.
- the epicentre of labour militancy was the capital itself
- The point nearest to the surface is the epicentre and marks the site where the quake is strongest.
- The water shifted above a quake does not move across the ocean, i.e. a log floating at the surface above the epicentre would not have been carried to Thailand or Somalia.
- We did an investigation a couple of years back, finding ourselves right at the epicentre of a minor earthquake, one of the largest the country had seen for years.
- The epicentre of military action, and therefore, of military losses, in the European war was the German - Soviet war.
- A Royal Navy survey ship has been sent to investigate the epicentre of the underwater earthquake which created the disastrous tsunami in the Indian Ocean.
- She recalled an investigation from a couple of years back, when they discovered themselves at the epicentre of an earth tremor, the largest the country had seen for years.
- The geographic point directly above the focus is called the earthquake epicenter .
- the patient was at the epicenter of concern
- Another perhaps useful notion here is that of earthquakes having epicentres and aftershocks.
- This was the area that was orientated directly towards the epicenter of the earthquake, and therefore to the tsunami.
- He himself emerges as epicentral to the thought and practice of modern consumerism.
- The death-toll lag has come from the country nearest the underwater epicenter of the earthquake, Indonesia.
- We propose that this transcurrent structure within the Adria plate exerts a major control on the seismotectonic behaviour of the epicentral area of the 2002 Molise seismic sequence.
- Buildings did remain standing even in the epicentral region at Bhuj.
- An overflight of the epicentral region on Wednesday afternoon by U.S. Geological Survey scientists revealed numerous small rockslides and snowslides adjacent to the fault over a 25-mile long zone east of the town of Cantwell.
- The epicenter of the earthquake was on land - unlike last month's quake - and caused no tsunami.
- Relief workers arrived to find devastation in the region closest to the epicenter of the earthquake that spawned the killer tsunami.
- The most persuasive evidence for the existence of subduction zones is the narrow Benioff zones of earthquake epicentres dipping away from deep-sea trenches.
- ‘Our information is that there was a tsunami but it was rather small, of the order of one to two metres in Wewak town and it was also recorded at Karkar island, which is about 350 km to the east of the epicentral area,’ he said.
- By the late 1980s and 1990s, however, there had been a shift in the epicenter of concern about ecology.