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entrails - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of entrails in Hindi

  • अंतड़ियों
  • आंत
  • किसी वस्तु का भीतरी भाग
  • अंतडियां

entrails Definition


  • a person or animal's intestines or internal organs, especially when removed or exposed.

entrails Example

  • digging copper out of the entrails of the earth ( पृथ्वी की अंतड़ियों से ताँबा खोदना )
  • Crocodiles are caught in various ways, - for instance, with two pointed sticks, which are fastened crosswise within the bait, an animal's entrails, to which is attached a rope. ( मगरमच्छों को विभिन्न तरीकों से पकड़ा जाता है, - उदाहरण के लिए, दो नुकीली डंडियों के साथ, जो एक जानवर की अंतड़ियों को चारे के भीतर क्रॉसवर्ड में बांधा जाता है, जिससे एक रस्सी जुड़ी होती है। )
  • With a very sharp knife, slit the length of the belly of the fish and remove the entrails. ( बहुत तेज चाकू से मछली के पेट की लंबाई काटकर अंतड़ियों को हटा दें। )

More Sentence

  • What seed of fire within its entrails slumbers?
  • In the poison'd entrails throw.
  • From this ferocious ransacker of entrails we expect nothing of the kind.
  • The huge iron entrails of the vessel heaved up into sight with her breaking.
  • For myself, I mean to go back to the entrails and the cakes.
  • He imagined opening it and letting out a nexus of multi-coloured wires, or bloody entrails.
  • The seer (roeh) appears individually, and his function was probably not so much one of speech as of the routine of close observation of the entrails of slaughtered victims, like the Assyrian baru (see Priest).
  • Then the Vala knew the fatal bonds were twisting, most rigid, bonds from entrails made.
  • The urn containing the entrails fell over, with a frightful noise and a stink sudden and intolerable.
  • The fire which consumes their entrails extends far beneath the soil, and often causes it to tremble.
  • Cut through the diaphragm close up to where it is attached to the ribs, and remove at one effort the entrails and vital organs.
  • And the king hit him again that he carved his belly and cut off his genitours, that his guts and his entrails fell down to the ground.
  • In the temple a great quantity of rattlesnakes, kept as sacred objects were fed with the entrails of the victims.
  • Among the other means of discovering the will of the gods were the casting of lots, oracles of Apollo (in the hands of the college sacris faciundis), but chiefly the examination of the entrails of animals slain for sacrifice (see Omen).
  • a priest would find omens in the steaming entrails of a sacrificed animal