enthrone - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of enthrone in Hindi
- सिंहासनारूढ़ करना
- राज-सिंहासन पर बैठाना
- गद्दी पर बैठाना
- राज्यारोहण
- रोज्यारोहण करना
- राज्याभिषेक करना
enthrone Definition
- install (a monarch) on a throne, especially during a ceremony to mark the beginning of their rule.
enthrone Example
- King Alphonso XIII., whose enthronement took place with all the antique ceremonial on the 17th of May, was himself at Enthrone. ( राजा अल्फोंसो XIII।, जिसका राज्याभिषेक 17 मई को सभी प्राचीन समारोहों के साथ हुआ था, स्वयं एन्थ्रोन में थे। )
- It is the privilege of the archdeacon of Canterbury to induct the archbishop and all the bishops of the province of Canterbury into their respective bishoprics, and this he does in the case of a bishop under a mandate from the archbishop of Canterbury, directing him to induct the bishop into the real, actual, and corporal possession of the bishopric, and to install and to enthrone him; and in the case of the archbishop, under an analogous mandate from the dean and chapter of Canterbury, as being guardians of the spiritualities during the vacancy of the archiepiscopal see. ( कैंटरबरी के आर्कबिशप और कैंटरबरी प्रांत के सभी बिशपों को उनके संबंधित बिशपचार्यों में शामिल करने के लिए यह कैंटरबरी के धनुर्धर का विशेषाधिकार है, और वह कैंटरबरी के आर्कबिशप से एक जनादेश के तहत एक बिशप के मामले में उसे शामिल करने का निर्देश देता है। बिशप को बिशोपिक के वास्तविक, वास्तविक और शारीरिक कब्जे में, और उसे स्थापित करने और सिंहासन पर बैठाने के लिए; और आर्कबिशप के मामले में, कैंटरबरी के डीन और चैप्टर से एक समान जनादेश के तहत, आर्चीपिस्कोपल की रिक्ति के दौरान आध्यात्मिकता के संरक्षक होने के नाते देखें। )
- To enthrone man, was to dethrone him. ( मनुष्य को सिंहासन पर बैठाना, उसे गद्दी से उतारना था। )
More Sentence
- We have attempted to enthrone any chance majority and make it rule by divine right.
- One way is to enthrone reason and rely on facts, the other to crown credulity and live on faith.
- Whenever and wherever freedom holds her sway, evil must work out its own destruction, and good enthrone itself in the hearts of those benefitted by its benign influence.
- Therein I shall enthrone thee!
- When they tried to enthrone him the King of the Town.
- By a strange but not infrequent irony of fate the most imperious and despotic spirit of his day laboured to enthrone a power which, had he himself been in authority, he would have utterly detested and despised.