enlightened - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of enlightened in Hindi
enlightened Definition
- having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook.
enlightened Example
- the more enlightened employers offer better terms ( अधिक प्रबुद्ध नियोक्ता बेहतर शर्तों की पेशकश करते हैं )
- He was liberal and enlightened in his general rule. ( वह अपने सामान्य शासन में उदार और प्रबुद्ध थे। )
- With Maria Theresa (1740-1780) began the age of enlightened despotism. ( मारिया थेरेसा (1740-1780) के साथ प्रबुद्ध निरंकुशता का युग शुरू हुआ। )
- This represented a most enlightened step, which is perhaps even more remarkable when one appreciates that no educational institution was involved. ( यह एक सबसे प्रबुद्ध कदम का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, जो शायद और भी उल्लेखनीय है जब कोई इस बात की सराहना करता है कि कोई शैक्षणिक संस्थान शामिल नहीं था। )
More Sentence
- However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.
- Mikhail Gorbachev's Soviet Union had once seemed the enlightened exception, but now only proves the bloody rule.
- He was seen as an enlightened despot pursuing liberal policies in the face of dogmatic reaction from priests and landlords.
- These writings, mainly collections of articles and lectures intended for the general public, display enlightened views and wide information.
- This enlightened policy was not continued by the successors of Joseph II.
- He was also well known as a sanitary reformer, and during the last ten years of his life he did much useful work in inculcating more enlightened ideas on the subject both in Edinburgh and other places.
- Within recent years, however, some efforts have been made both by the Ministry of Agriculture and by the more enlightened of the zemstvos to improve the education of the peasantry, but the progress achieved has been small.
- In company such as this, the Garotter's Act must almost seem enlightened.
- The early foundation of the Leipzig fairs, and the enlightened policy of the rulers of the country, have also done much to develop its commercial and industrial resources.
- It contains a vindication of the study of Greek, and of the desirability of printing the text of the Greek Testament - views which at that date required an enlightened understanding to enter into, and which were condemned by the party to which More afterwards attached himself.
- we become enlightened in our relationship with God