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enjoyable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of enjoyable in Hindi


  • सुखद
  • रमणीय
  • सुहावना
  • ख़ुशगवार
  • आनंदप्रद

enjoyable Definition


  • (of an activity or occasion) giving delight or pleasure.

enjoyable Example

  • the decision is aimed at making shopping more enjoyable ( निर्णय का उद्देश्य खरीदारी को और अधिक मनोरंजक बनाना है )
  • They offer the perfect backdrop for an enjoyable, relaxing meal. ( वे एक सुखद, आरामदेह भोजन के लिए एकदम सही पृष्ठभूमि प्रदान करते हैं। )
  • I don't think much of Enjoyable. ( मैं एन्जॉयेबल के बारे में ज्यादा नहीं सोचता। )
  • It was an enjoyable chat, indeed. ( यह वास्तव में एक सुखद चैट थी। )

More Sentence

  • It was an enjoyable time for all.
  • We had a very enjoyable vacation.
  • It had been a most enjoyable night.
  • The trip was deadly, but enjoyable.
  • It’s not an enjoyable experience.
  • The Stormer- Original, enjoyable and.
  • Shanghai lies low, and, though the early winter is enjoyable, snow and ice being occasionally seen, the summer months are excessively hot.
  • Plan an enjoyable party first before you worry about selling.
  • So I hope you'll find these pages enjoyable.
  • We had a very enjoyable walk, despite getting rather lost in Birch woods.
  • All in all, a family game which can make learning extremely enjoyable.
  • We have had a very successful and enjoyable trip.
  • Bangalore was very enjoyable in many other ways as well.
  • It would be idle to pretend it was an enjoyable expedition.
  • How can you make school work as enjoyable as play?
  • The weather here is cool and enjoyable by day even.
  • Captain Stuart made the voyage most enjoyable to all.
  • A most romantic, enjoyable tale....
  • The most enjoyable part of Spiderman 2 is the ability to swing freely through the city using his web.
  • Finding fun ways to tie your shoelaces isn't just an enjoyable way to pass the time, but an easy method to dress up a simple pair of sneakers.
  • Pip Squeakers: Your baby girl may find walking more enjoyable than ever once you slip these squeaky sandals onto her feet.