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enigma - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of enigma in Hindi


  • पहेली
  • रहस्य
  • गूढ़ प्रश्न
  • पेचदार बात

enigma Definition


  • a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.

enigma Example

  • Madeleine was still an enigma to him ( मेडेलीन अभी भी उसके लिए एक पहेली थी )
  • My past is such an enigma; I don't know any of the details. ( मेरा अतीत एक ऐसी पहेली है; मुझे कोई विवरण नहीं पता। )
  • It was the most perplexing enigma in astronomy. ( यह खगोल विज्ञान में सबसे हैरान करने वाली पहेली थी। )
  • For years, my distant mother-in-law has been an enigma to me. ( सालों से मेरी दूर की सास मेरे लिए एक पहेली रही है। )

More Sentence

  • The reclusive millionaire was an enigma to everyone in our town.   
  • To the new detective, the motive of the crime was an enigma.  
  • Even the psychiatrist found her patient’s behavior to be something of an enigma.
  • Some clue to this enigma might be found by asking a lot of questions.
  • The reason that the source of the noise is such an enigma is that no one ever traced the sound when they heard it.
  • I am an enigma to the Madra, as I have outlived all of them.
  • The enigma of the major’s diary they left with Jazz and Peg.
  • The beauty of life can only be matched by the enigma of death.
  • But it still troubled Duval that Ravan remained such an enigma.
  • It was an enigma which he could not solve.
  • What an eternal enigma was the feminine mind!
  • The solution of this enigma has never been found.
  • The whole personality of the man was an enigma to her.
  • His father had become a fearful enigma to his soul!
  • Indeed, he became quite an enigma to her.
  • But who will ever solve for us the enigma of life?
  • She was both an enigma and refreshingly candid at the same time.
  • I slept in his house, but he’s basically still an enigma to me.
  • This painting has become an enigma of itself, the director said.
  • Man is a hopeless enigma to himself, until he sees himself in the light of being a human with human failings.