enduring - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of enduring in Hindi
enduring Definition
- continuing or long-lasting.
enduring Example
- he formed a number of enduring relationships with women ( उन्होंने महिलाओं के साथ कई स्थायी संबंध बनाए )
- The motions of most lizards are executed with great but not enduring rapidity. ( अधिकांश छिपकलियों की हरकतों को महान लेकिन स्थायी गति से नहीं किया जाता है। )
- After enduring the greatest hardships it was resolved to abandon the ship, Upernivik being reached on the 5th of August 1855, whence a relief expedition brought the explorers home. ( सबसे बड़ी कठिनाइयों को सहन करने के बाद जहाज को छोड़ने का संकल्प लिया गया, 5 अगस्त 1855 को उपरनिविक पहुंचा जा रहा था, जहां से एक राहत अभियान ने खोजकर्ताओं को घर लाया। )
- After enduring great hardships he goes through the course and leaves a son Connlaech behind in Scotland by another amazon, Aife. ( बड़ी कठिनाइयों को सहने के बाद वह पाठ्यक्रम से गुजरता है और स्कॉटलैंड में एक अन्य अमेज़ॅन, एफ़े द्वारा एक बेटे कोनलाच को पीछे छोड़ देता है। )
More Sentence
- That was the conspicuous and enduring thing.
- The personal life has been always the enduring thing.
- We are enduring tribulation, until he come.
- It is an amazingly good book, an enduring achievement.
- Luther had endured the monastery for the very purpose of enduring hardness.
- The book will be an enduring delight to all lovers of fine literature.
- It was a task to give a Spartan pause and win an enduring fame among the gods.
- For instance, it has been held that Christ atoned for man k ind not by enduring the penalty of sin, but by identify views.
- Wide as was the range of his interests his most famous work was accomplished at Sevres, and his most enduring monument is his classic Traite des arts ceramiques (1844).
- an enduring problem