endearing - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of endearing in Hindi
endearing Definition
- inspiring love or affection.
endearing Example
- an endearing little grin ( एक प्यारी सी मुस्कान )
- If you would like to be endearing to a woman, make sure to act like a gentleman. ( यदि आप एक महिला के लिए प्रिय बनना चाहते हैं, तो एक सज्जन व्यक्ति की तरह कार्य करना सुनिश्चित करें। )
- I do not find rudeness or boasting to be endearing in the slightest bit. ( मुझे ज़रा भी प्यारा होने के लिए अशिष्टता या घमंड नहीं लगता। )
- This affinity is endearing and captivating. ( यह आत्मीयता प्यारी और मनोरम है। )
More Sentence
- It was endearing, in an annoying sort of.
- She found this both disturbing and endearing.
- Not the most endearing term, Tom answered.
- This is a quiet, comfortable handler that is fully endearing.
- Gentle singer-songwriter material, with an endearing mountain delivery.
- Sanchez Vicario is a perennially endearing character at the Grand Slams.
- But he was not just an amusing and endearing old man.
- Instead, Keaton's television appearances are warm and endearing.
- We loved the beginning where the toys reveal their endearing personalities.
- It's just the city itself he finds less endearing.
- The endearing term dates to the early days of college basketball.
- There was a childlike joy to this collection that was endearing.
- It's difficult to see endearing in a sentence .
- One of the endearing things about mathematicians.
- Not one of her most endearing habits, he had to.
- Fiona’s heart melted with the endearing nickname.
- He found it endearing that she was such a tender soul.
- It was a character trait that Matthew found very endearing.
- Amanda was endearing to nearly everyone she met because of her kind heart.
- The love song has been the most enduring and endearing pop music art form.
- The endearing personality that Derek had attracted many to him.