endear - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of endear in Hindi
- प्यार बचाना
- प्यार करना
- प्रीति करना
- लाडला बनाना
endear Definition
- to make somebody/yourself liked by somebody
endear Example
- Child actors endear viewers with their charm and ability but they tend to become tabloid fodder once they've grown up. ( बाल कलाकार अपने आकर्षण और क्षमता से दर्शकों को पसंद करते हैं लेकिन बड़े होने के बाद वे टैब्लॉयड चारा बन जाते हैं। )
- Even if your pronunciation isn't perfect, your effort may endear you to the locals and provide an ice breaker for further conversation. ( यहां तक कि अगर आपका उच्चारण सही नहीं है, तो भी आपका प्रयास आपको स्थानीय लोगों का प्रिय हो सकता है और आगे की बातचीत के लिए एक आइस ब्रेकर प्रदान कर सकता है। )
- His reflex arrogance didn’t exactly endear him to those about him, either. (उनके प्रतिवर्त अहंकार ने उन्हें अपने बारे में उन लोगों को भी पसंद नहीं किया। )
- I must have done something to endear myself to her, Gwenda said, extemporising. ( मैंने खुद को उससे प्यार करने के लिए कुछ किया होगा, ग्वेंडा ने कहा, एक्सटेम्पोरिंग। )
More Sentence
- They endear themselves to each other to their mutual evolutionary advantage.
- That flair for theatrical gesture seems to endear him to clients.
- There were signs that Bugs might eventually endear himself to collectors.
- Se Ri has worked hard to learn English and endear herself.
- But Rogers did not endear himself to the organization, either.
- But that's what endears him to people ."
- You can only endear so many future employers at a time.
- It's difficult to see endear in a sentence .
- Another attribute that endears me to this volume is its shape.
- But nostalgia continues to endear them to collectors, he said.
- Dawson added : " He endears himself to everybody he meets.
- He never tried to endear himself to anyone that stirred the want in others to have him even more.
- Be honest, and be yourself � after all, being natural is what will endear you to a particular mate.
- Preparing him his favorite foods is one way to endear yourself and communicate that you care.
- Its storylines revolve around the working class residents of the street, topics that both endear and repulse viewers with their starkly accurate portrayals of real life events and relationships.
- Julia is Australia 's hottest export in comedy with true-life tales that endear her to all who listen.