encrypt - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of encrypt in Hindi
encrypt Definition
- convert (information or data) into a cipher or code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
encrypt Example
- Make sure you encrypt it and/or secure it with a password. ( सुनिश्चित करें कि आपने इसे एन्क्रिप्ट किया है और/या इसे पासवर्ड से सुरक्षित किया है। )
- People who do not encrypt their home wireless Internet and businesses that do not make sure their systems are secure are both in danger of allowing a hacker to access the network. ( जो लोग अपने घर के वायरलेस इंटरनेट को एन्क्रिप्ट नहीं करते हैं और ऐसे व्यवसाय जो यह सुनिश्चित नहीं करते हैं कि उनके सिस्टम सुरक्षित हैं, दोनों को हैकर को नेटवर्क तक पहुंचने की अनुमति देने का खतरा है। )
- encrypt the output messages. ( आउटपुट संदेशों को एन्क्रिप्ट करें। )
- In addition, as proxies are able to encrypt data as well, the monitoring proxies will only collect gibberish. ( इसके अलावा, जैसा कि प्रॉक्सी डेटा को एन्क्रिप्ट करने में सक्षम हैं, मॉनिटरिंग प्रॉक्सी केवल अस्पष्टता एकत्र करेंगे। )
More Sentence
- IBM has recently added an embedded security chip that allows you to encrypt the security keys of a wireless network.
- encrypt the plaintext.
- encrypt files directly on any removable media.
- It should be easy to encrypt and decrypt messages with the key but difficult to do so without it.
- He started running an encrypt match algorithm to decode the message, and within ten seconds the computer had discovered what code was being used.
- The first technique, called a one-time pad, uses an encryption key that is as long as the message you are trying to encrypt.
- This algorithm is used to encrypt the messages from the mobile phone to the base station.
- I can shred my documents, encrypt all my communications, and do all sorts of paranoid things.
- After all, if we encrypt all the customer data, it will be protected, right?
- It can also allow digitally signed electronic transactions and encrypt information.
- Specifically, encrypt using keys that have been signed and verified by people you know.
- For the time being, don't choose to sign and encrypt all messages automatically.
- He used a Palm III personal digital assistant to store and encrypt information that he would later give to his handlers.
- If you wish you can simply move your data to the encrypted folder and have Windows automatically encrypt your files for you.
- With the integrated fingerprint reader, users encrypt files using fingerprint authentication, combining convenience with strong notebook security.
- trapdoor function to encrypt the message.
- The PHP string functions are also commonly used to encrypt strings.
- The decrypt key is encrypted using the same two keys that are used to encrypt passwords on the site.
- Alice uses the trapdoor function to encrypt the message.
- The simple solution to beat the spam bots is to encrypt any email addresses on your site.