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encouragment - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of encouragment in Hindi

  • प्रोत्साहन
  • बढ़ावा
  • दिलासा
  • प्रेरणा
  • उत्तेजना

encouragment Definition

  • the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. ( किसी का समर्थन, विश्वास या आशा देने की क्रिया। )

encouragment Example

  • Every successful use of the netroots has involved some kind of encouragement for donors. ( नेट्रोट्स के हर सफल उपयोग में दाताओं के लिए किसी प्रकार का प्रोत्साहन शामिल है। )
  • Now the Australian finds himself offering similar words of encouragement to another team-mate. ( अब ऑस्ट्रेलियाई खुद को एक और टीम के साथी को प्रोत्साहन के समान शब्द प्रदान करता है। )
  • I enjoyed the articles so much I had to thank you for the encouragement . ( मुझे लेखों में इतना मज़ा आया कि मुझे प्रोत्साहन के लिए धन्यवाद देना पड़ा। )
  • the encouragement of foreign investment ( विदेशी निवेश को प्रोत्साहन )

More Sentence

  • I got some inspiring encouragement from a number of individuals during My Project.
  • Words of encouragement are a powerful motivator, especially for kids struggling to keep up.
  • Nevertheless, the developments I have just described do provide cause for encouragement .
  • The stallion, already spooked and restless, did not require much encouragement .
  • He has been a constant source of encouragement throughout.
  • Their clients were coming to them for a mix of escape and encouragement .
  • At each step of the way the characters provide lots of friendly encouragement .
  • The first episode, which was a huge success, became an encouragement to make more.
  • With little encouragement on my part, a friend agreed to lend me her children for the night.
  • Next, with the mayor's encouragement , the NYPD moved 300 officers to a new task force charged with stopping the attacks.
  • Please be sure to offer a word of thanks or encouragement to them whenever you have the chance.
  • he needed no encouragement to fight
  • thank you for all your support and encouragement
  • Left alone for the first time, Darcy kissed her again, deepening the kiss with encouragement from Elizabeth.
  • Other patients needed encouragement to call their health care providers regarding specific problems they were experiencing.
  • And he spent the rest of the dance advising her on the steps and offering encouragement .
  • Talk with a close friend or relative who you trust and who can offer encouragement and support.
  • To our knowledge, the effect of encouragement on walk performance has not been studied subsequently.
  • incentives and encouragement to play sports
  • Miss Cartwright was unfortunately not the type to offer express encouragement .
  • she did it with the encouragement of her friends
  • that gave me encouragement