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encounter - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of encounter in Hindi


  • सामना
  • भिड़ंत
  • आकस्मिक भेंट
  • मुक़ाबला
  • आमना-सामना


  • सामना करना
  • भिड़ंत होना
  • मुठभेड़ होना
  • सामना होना
  • आकस्मिक मिलन होना
  • मुक़ाबला करना
  • मुठभे़ड़
  • संघर्ष
  • लड़ाई
  • झगड़ा

encounter Definition


  • unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile).


  • an unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something.

encounter Example

  • she felt totally unnerved by the encounter ( वह मुठभेड़ से पूरी तरह से परेशान महसूस कर रही थी )
  • The encounter had frightened him more than he would admit. ( मुठभेड़ ने उसे जितना स्वीकार किया उससे कहीं ज्यादा डरा दिया था। )
  • The count remembered the wolf he had let slip and his encounter with Daniel. ( गिनती ने उस भेड़िये को याद किया जिसे उसने फिसलने दिया था और उसका दानिय्येल से सामना हुआ था। )
  • In Wagner's harmonic style we encounter the entire problem of modern musical texture. ( वैगनर की हार्मोनिक शैली में हम आधुनिक संगीत बनावट की पूरी समस्या का सामना करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Travis Walton's book about his encounter with a UFO in Arizona in 1975 became the subject of a Hollywood movie called Fire in the Sky.
  • Averil Coxhead has noted that second language students need to read a lot so they encounter new words many times in context.
  • I chalked that up as a successful encounter.
  • When you encounter ski-racing fanatics in.
  • Liam described the encounter with the Teriz.
  • You will encounter strong winds that will.
  • In a moment something of the awkwardness of the encounter occurred to him.
  • Not man, woman or child did they encounter as the miles crept by.
  • It begins with his boyhood in Iowa and his first encounter with an Indian.
  • He had just returned, and Grace was telling him of her encounter with Big Tom.
  • It starts as we ourselves have an encounter.
  • In the gateway I met with another encounter.
  • He knew he would not survive this encounter.
  • They encounter a schoolyard basketball game.
  • Travis was amazed at this strange encounter.
  • For most children, enrolling in school is their first encounter with a formal institution.
  • A fatal encounter with a grizzly bear has left one man in hospital, and another man dead this morning.
  • Dean was happy to move the subject away from Fitzgerald's evening encounter with Lydia.
  • Quinn will think were requesting something like a séance or spiritual encounter but if we don't humor Howie, he'll be devastated.
  • his close encounter with death