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emptiness - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of emptiness in Hindi

  • शून्यता
  • खाली-पन
  • रिक्तिता


  • शून्यता
  • रिक्ति
  • असारता
  • ख़ालीपन

emptiness Definition


  • the state of containing nothing.
  • the quality of lacking meaning or sincerity; meaninglessness.
  • the quality of having no value or purpose; futility.

emptiness Example

  • he realizes the emptiness of his statement ( उसे अपने बयान की शून्यता का एहसास होता है )
  • There was suddenly an emptiness. ( अचानक एक खालीपन आ गया। )
  • She knew the emptiness of the world, at least in theory. ( वह दुनिया के खालीपन को जानती थी, कम से कम सैद्धांतिक रूप से। )
  • And, with a sick surprise, The emptiness of eyes. ( और, एक बीमार आश्चर्य के साथ, आँखों का खालीपन। )

More Sentence

  • The emptiness of the person to whom it applies is very harmless.
  • He felt an emptiness in his life which he failed to understand.
  • He felt a terrible emptiness within him which he could not fill.
  • Thou Shalt Not create Emptiness.
  • Only emptiness is true because.
  • This emptiness is our true self.
  • He felt the same emptiness of every parent in the nation.
  • She speaks to the baby-boomer's imagined emptiness.
  • In an aching expanse of emptiness, creative ideas pop up.
  • You're thinking about the emptiness and lack of cheering.
  • And there was an emptiness to every Yankee at-bat.
  • What this generation is fleeing is the emptiness of the culture.
  • It has left us with certainly a void, and emptiness.
  • Beyond the great unknown looms only emptiness, aloneness, oblivion.
  • And then the emptiness creeps in.
  • A great emptiness without healing.
  • Trying hard to fill the emptiness.
  • Q: Then what is beyond? Emptiness?
  • Why? To fill up an inner emptiness.
  • the vast emptiness of space
  • feelings of emptiness and loneliness