employee - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of employee in Hindi
- कर्मचारी
- मुलाजिम
- काम करने वाले
- नौकरी
employee Definition
- a person employed for wages or salary, especially at nonexecutive level.
employee Example
- The employee pays $30,000 in taxes. ( कर्मचारी करों में $ 30,000 का भुगतान करता है। )
- What is the true cost of an employee? ( एक कर्मचारी की वास्तविक लागत क्या है? )
- I fired the employee and hired a new. ( मैंने कर्मचारी को निकाल दिया और एक नया काम पर रखा। )
- Every year, as an employee, there is. ( हर साल, एक कर्मचारी के रूप में, वहाँ है। )
More Sentence
- He was put into an awkward position when a former employee who he had problems with asked him for a reference letter.
- Bjorn is a very conscientious employee who is greatly appreciated by his co-workers.
- If you buy your sound system at the store where I work, I can get you my employee discount.
- This scam unraveled when an employee.
- I could see a dead employee back there.
- Roman, thanks, the employee stuttered.
- A young employee was sweeping the floor.
- Employee parties offer the opportunity.
- From the root idea of obligation to serve or give something in return, involved in the conception of duty, have sprung various derivative uses of the word; thus it is used of the services performed by a minister of a church, by a soldier, or by any employee or servant.
- You defend him because you work for him and you're a loyal employee, but I'll bet you've wondered why he's so unresponsive.
- Given free rein to improvise as he saw fit, the law student had found the employee and created his own sting.
- To pay legally, the nanny is considered an employee and will need to disburse social security and income taxes.
- Motel personnel conducted a search and a motel employee later found the Parkside man's clothing and room key on the public beach across the road.
- That’s if you are a Drummond employee.
- This official said an Archives employee.
- Chris doesn't just see you as an employee.