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embellish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of embellish in Hindi


  • संवारना
  • सज देना
  • संजोना
  • सजाना
  • सुशोभित करना
  • आरास्ता करना
  • अलंकृत करना

embellish Definition


  • make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features.

embellish Example

  • she had real difficulty telling the truth because she liked to embellish things ( उसे सच बोलने में वास्तव में कठिनाई होती थी क्योंकि उसे चीजों को अलंकृत करना पसंद था )
  • Urban did much to embellish the city. ( शहरी ने शहर को सुशोभित करने के लिए बहुत कुछ किया। )
  • Statues of Luther (by Schadow), Melanchthon and Bugenhagen embellish the town. ( लूथर की मूर्तियां (शैडो द्वारा), मेलंचथॉन और बुगेनहेगन शहर को सुशोभित करती हैं। )
  • To say he was pitching would be to embellish his control. ( यह कहना कि वह पिच कर रहा था, अपने नियंत्रण को अलंकृत करना होगा। )

More Sentence

  • Did Heat-Moon prune, embellish and burnish his utterances?
  • I neither wish to obscure nor embellish his glory.
  • All that she brings back serves to embellish her quiet life, not to change it.
  • He requires a Mr. Austin to embellish and correct his manners.
  • There was something Payton did a lot more of than embellish.
  • At the restaurant, I embellish the dish quite a bit.
  • "I'm not trying to embellish this war.
  • The longer he goes without winning only embellishes his spectacular season.
  • It's difficult to see embellish in a sentence .
  • Plaster stucco decoration was used to embellish internal entrances and rooms.
  • His goal was to embellish its appearance for the holy mass.
  • He brought plants from around the world to embellish his designs.
  • You can also embellish your child's current wardrobe to create something original.
  • Embellish your new curtains with coordinating ribbon, and you've got beautiful and inexpensive window treatments!
  • They may enact the rituals slightly differently, or embellish them a touch, so essentially they are copying them with slight variations.