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embark - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of embark in Hindi

  • प्रारंभ
  • लगना
  • पोतारोहण करना
  • जहज़ पर चढ़ना
  • जहज़ पर रखना
  • नौका पर चढ़ना
  • जहाज पर चढ़ना
  • प्रारंभ करना

embark Definition


  • go on board a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.

embark Example

  • The general situation offered them no inducements to embark on fresh offensives. ( सामान्य स्थिति ने उन्हें नए आक्रमण शुरू करने के लिए कोई प्रलोभन नहीं दिया। )
  • when he was about to embark on his expedition to France. ( जब वह फ्रांस के लिए अपने अभियान की शुरुआत करने वाला था। )
  • The unlimited issues of government paper and the security afforded by these leases induced the Scottish banks to afford every facility to landlords and tenants to embark capital in the improvement of the land. ( सरकारी कागज के असीमित मुद्दों और इन पट्टों द्वारा दी गई सुरक्षा ने स्कॉटिश बैंकों को भूमि के सुधार में पूंजी लगाने के लिए जमींदारों और किरायेदारों को हर सुविधा देने के लिए प्रेरित किया। )   
  • He had a new hunt to embark on. ( उसे शुरू करने के लिए एक नया शिकार था। )

More Sentence

  • It's always wise to be prepared before you embark on any hike so make sure to pick up some free Appalachian trail maps before you enter the wild.
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  • The idea aroused his enthusiasm, and he determined to embark upon the gigantic enterprise.
  • He who would embark thereon must sail a powerful vessel which must carry many guns.
  • We embark upon a ray of light, and glide rapidly to the portals of our Universe.
  • Wednesday, I should embark in the steamer, and be on my way across the ocean to find my mother.
  • The force will proceed to Frontenac, and embark from there in the ships, bateaux, and canoes.
  • The wealthy families of Amsterdam prepared to embark in their ships for the East Indies.
  • Perhaps the magnetism which surrounds persons about to embark on hazardous undertakings had attracted them thither.
  • A man in his precarious condition was not likely to embark on such an adventure as an intentional disappearance implies.
  • But it takes a more than ordinarily courageous person to embark on a fight which he knows must end in his destruction.
  • In the meantime they received an order from their pasha, or whatever his title might be, to embark on their vessels.
  • You shall see the craft in all its rottenness, and not embark a bale on board of me without knowing how frail is the hope you trust to.
  • I believe that there are no classes of people who embark with more regret, or quit a ship with more pleasure, than military men.
  • Overwhelmed with grief at the pitiable condition to which we are reduced, we conjure you to abandon everything, and embark without delay.
  • Intellectually invigorated, you can embark upon the next wayward stretch of the Painters ' Trail.
  • I hope you'll join me as we embark on new projects together.
  • In the autumn of 1835 Thompson was compelled, in order to save his life, to embark secretly for England.
  • Religion, for example, seems altogether too vast a theme for him to embark on, and he usually prefers to deal with some single element or aspect.
  • Discover what lies in store for the goody-goody wartime evacuees as they embark on the most exciting wardrobe themed antics outside of Ikea.