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elope - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of elope in Hindi


  • सहपलायन करना
  • साथ भाग जाना
  • गुप्त रहना
  • फ़रार होना

elope Definition


  • run away secretly in order to get married, especially without parental consent.

elope Example

  • A wedding abroad is also an excellent way to elope. ( विदेश में शादी भी भागने का एक शानदार तरीका है। )
  • You promised Countess Rostova to marry her and were about to elope with her, is that so? ( आपने काउंटेस रोस्तोवा से उससे शादी करने का वादा किया था और उसके साथ भाग जाने वाले थे, क्या ऐसा है? )
  • Couples who plan a Las Vegas wedding are often looking for a unique way to elope. ( लास वेगास में शादी की योजना बनाने वाले जोड़े अक्सर भागने के लिए एक अनोखे तरीके की तलाश में रहते हैं। )
  • Did they elope? she cried silently, and Philippe tried to prevent her from collapsing. ( क्या वे भाग गए? वह चुपचाप रोई, और फिलिप ने उसे गिरने से रोकने की कोशिश की। )

More Sentence

  • I have had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a row with you and Dad.
  • His father didn’t approve, so if Garret wanted to marry Anne they had no choice but to elope.
  • The General had urged me to elope with him.
  • The daughter will elope with a French dancing-master.
  • Indeed he would have been very glad to elope with them himself.
  • So you're going to elope with Miss Geraldine?
  • At Marsillac's boyish supplication, Ninon consented to elope with him.
  • You promised Countess Rostóva to marry her and were about to elope with her, is that so?
  • Strangely though, Varuni had abdicated her queenship of the Apsaras early on to elope with an Ashura.
  • Nefer, sliding up the bench to elope with the whiskey jar, saw me heading toward Sal’s bright portal.
  • Defying the commands of her mother, the traditions of her family, she had decided to elope with the man of her choice.
  • The couple are not best pleased and plan to elope with their actual loves while Matko plots a humiliating prank for Dadan.
  • Unless you are in a plane on your way to elope, you do not have to write your wedding vows in one rushed sitting.