elongate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of elongate in Hindi
- बढ़ाना
- बढ़ा देना
- लंबा बनाना
- तानना
- लंबा करना
- बडाना
elongate Definition
- make (something) longer, especially unusually so in relation to its width.
- long in relation to width; elongated.
elongate Example
- elongate, fishlike creatures ( लम्बा, मछली जैसा जीव )
- The larvae are elongate and worm-like, with short legs but often with hard strong cuticle. ( लार्वा लंबे और कृमि जैसे होते हैं, जिनमें छोटे पैर होते हैं लेकिन अक्सर कठोर मजबूत छल्ली के साथ। )
- The feelers are elongate and conspicuous. ( फीलर्स लंबे और विशिष्ट हैं। )
- Once the 30-seconds intervals become easy gradually elongate these. ( एक बार ३०-सेकंड के अंतराल आसान हो जाने पर इन्हें धीरे-धीरे बढ़ाएँ। )
More Sentence
- He sighed as he felt his incisors elongate and bit into his own wrist.
- The marshland was infested with those repulsive rubbery monsters, black worms with suction cups at both ends, able to contract to pea-sized balls or elongate themselves to a couple of inches.
- The windows are the pores in the foreskin, the way they elongate when it's hard, especially that first thrust of orgasm.
- But before he could strike, the staff in the tall Khitan's hand licked out, seeming to elongate itself as the yellow man thrust.
- These segments are abundantly supplied with elongate tooth-like projections connected with nerve-endings probably olfactory in function.
- The Capsidae are a large family of rather soft-skinned bugs mostly elongate in form with the two basal segments of the feelers stouter than the two terminal.
- The grain is elongate and of a reddish colour, but it has a sweet smell and very pleasant taste.