elitism - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of elitism in Hindi
elitism Definition
- the advocacy or existence of an elite as a dominating element in a system or society.
elitism Example
- I've been accused of elitism and snobbery because of my views on grammar and spelling ( व्याकरण और वर्तनी पर मेरे विचारों के कारण मुझ पर अभिजात्यवाद और दंभ का आरोप लगाया गया है )
- Do you think that film therefore goes some way to diluting an intellectual elitism that is inherent in the reading of literature? ( क्या आपको लगता है कि फिल्म साहित्य पढ़ने में निहित बौद्धिक अभिजात्यवाद को कमजोर करने के लिए किसी तरह से जाती है? )
- Casual, preppy, and bursting with the kind of nonchalant elitism that still allows you to sleep at night, Lacoste bags are the perfect addition to any upscale wardrobe. ( आकस्मिक, प्रफुल्लित करने वाला, और उस तरह के अचूक अभिजात्यवाद के साथ फूटना जो अभी भी आपको रात में सोने की अनुमति देता है, लैकोस्टे बैग किसी भी अपस्केल अलमारी के लिए एकदम सही जोड़ हैं। )
- It is a top-down movement, consistent with the elitism of the Jewish Left and its allied forces. ( यह एक ऊपर से नीचे का आंदोलन है, जो यहूदी वामपंथ और उसकी सहयोगी ताकतों के अभिजात्यवाद के अनुरूप है। )
More Sentence
- Secrecy and elitism were the watch words, every single man who registered was vetted and had to prove their identity.
- Simply because there is nothing else left for them to practice their minds on, or their social skills on except selective brand elitism, or human elitism.
- Even advocates say elitism is a potential peril of charter schools.
- That is elitism of the worst kind to slander our people,
- The reason for this is not any kind of exclusionary elitism.
- This isn't democratic elitism of the Willie Brown kind.
- The other is a tougher-than-thou outdoor elitism.
- Many townspeople resent Faivre d'Arcier's apparent elitism.
- The latter's reply contained accusations in isolationism and elitism.
- What was it you were saying about elitism Ray . ..
- This is not an act of elitism but rather one of practicality: Those who are not intelligent enough to engage in the roles assigned to us—roles that require a considerable mental capacity—are better suited to menial work than to faction work.
- In pursuit of these moral objectives the perpetrators of elitism,.
- Cambridge should be a place of academic elitism, not one of social elitism.
- This revolutionary elitism even extended the musical policies of the station.
- How much sin, pride and insecurity would surface, currently masked by spiritual elitism and charismatic culture?