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elegance - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of elegance in Hindi


  • लालित्य
  • रम्यता
  • शिष्टता
  • सौष्ठव
  • प्रांजलता
  • चारुता
  • लावण्य

elegance Definition


  • the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; style.
  • the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness.

elegance Example

  • the simplicity and elegance of the solution ( समाधान की सादगी और लालित्य )
  • She shrugged with as much elegance as she could muster, and eyed him with deliberate interest. ( वह उतनी ही शान से शरमाती थी, जितनी वह जुटा सकती थी, और उसे जानबूझकर दिलचस्पी से देखती थी। )
  • The lean-to is the least desirable form, since it scarcely admits of elegance of design, but it is necessarily adopted in many cases. ( लीन-टू सबसे कम वांछनीय रूप है, क्योंकि यह शायद ही डिजाइन की भव्यता को स्वीकार करता है, लेकिन इसे कई मामलों में अनिवार्य रूप से अपनाया जाता है। )
  • This was the antiquated elegance of his day. ( यह उनके समय की पुरातन शान थी। )

More Sentence

  • Nevertheless, there was a degree of elegance.
  • Venizelou, but without its elegance, but marked.
  • Rex had added his loving touch to it’s elegance.
  • The other was almost equally distinguished by the elegance of his appearance.
  • He had never before seen even at a distance such elegance and luxury.
  • People saw a marked improvement in elegance from the time she became adviser.
  • He forgot her fashionable hat, the quiet elegance of her clothes.
  • Mrs. Wickersham might have endured the praise of the elegance of the mansion.
  • The room, like Betty herself, combined elegance and cordiality.
  • We were convinced about the elegance of the dish.
  • In contrast to the expected elegance past the door.
  • The large villa and grounds had an aura of elegance.
  • Rose did not so much catch, but deflect with elegance.
  • The facade is a triumph of graceful elegance; so light is the tracery, so rich the decoration, so successful the breach of symmetry which gives us a wing upon the left-hand side but none upon the right.
  • On three sides it is well preserved, and displays remarkable variety and elegance in its sculptured decorations.
  • Form fitted gowns are the epitome of elegance.
  • a slender woman with grace and elegance