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electrocution - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of electrocution in Hindi

  • बिजली
  • बिजली द्वारा प्राणदण्ड

electrocution Definition


  • the injury or killing of someone by electric shock.

electrocution Example

  • death row inmates face either electrocution or lethal injection ( मौत की सजा पाने वाले कैदियों को या तो बिजली का झटका या घातक इंजेक्शन का सामना करना पड़ता है )
  • The electrocution of the murderer, Petrovitch, already described, furnished me with a valuable opportunity which I was quick to seize. ( हत्यारे पेत्रोविच के बिजली के झटके, जिसका पहले ही वर्णन किया जा चुका है, ने मुझे एक मूल्यवान अवसर प्रदान किया, जिसे मैं जल्दी से पकड़ लेता था। )
  • The unlucky ones have died, mainly from falls and electrocution. ( बदकिस्मत लोगों की मौत हुई है, मुख्य रूप से गिरने और बिजली के झटके से। )

More Sentence

  • The mayor called the electrocutions a tragedy for the entire community.
  • The first, an accidental electrocution in Nassau, happened Friday.
  • A death sentence means a choice of electrocution or lethal injection.
  • It's difficult to see electrocution in a sentence .
  • Eight other people died earlier from electrocution, drowning or landslides.
  • Most of the victims died either by drowning or from electrocution.
  • Previous federal executions have been by hanging, gas and electrocution.
  • Between 1924 and 1964, 362 inmates were executed by electrocution.
  • PAWS opposes  tambucho gassing and electrocution as methods of euthanasia.
  • Inside, there are two shaving chairs of the heavier, or electrocution pattern, with mirrors in front of them and pigeon holes with individual shaving mugs.
  • they switched off the power supply to avoid any risk of electrocution