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electrified - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of electrified in Hindi

  • विद्युतीकृत
  • बिजली लगा हुआ


  • बिजली लगाया हुआ

electrified Definition


  • charged with electricity; having an electric current passing through.
  • having a sudden sense of great excitement; thrilled.

electrified Example

  • an electrified monorail running into the city centre ( एक विद्युतीकृत मोनोरेल शहर के केंद्र में चल रही है )
  • it took an electrified wire to solve the problem ( समस्या को हल करने के लिए एक विद्युतीकृत तार लिया )
  • The room was electrified with his presence. ( उनकी मौजूदगी से कमरे में बिजली आ गई। )
  • For a few electrified moments they exchanged hungry looks. ( कुछ विद्युतीकृत क्षणों के लिए उन्होंने भूखे रूप का आदान-प्रदान किया। )

More Sentence

  • Now, instead of just intellectually engaging with the news, we feel the government brutality, we experience the war, we are electrified by the demonstrations, and we are horrified at the suffering.
  • A knock on the door electrified me.
  • Here she is, entering Tom's newly electrified house.
  • "I was electrified, " he said afterward.
  • But Lori Cole was electrified, chattering all the way home.
  • It began in the sunshine and ended in the electrified night.
  • "I had them electrified, " he says.
  • There are twists of barbed wire and miles of electrified fence.
  • Next, there was the hazard of the electrified water itself.
  • Broad gauge railways in 2010 stretched for and electrified railways numbered.
  • It's difficult to see electrified in a sentence .
  • Much fog . 1484 : Taksimo : end of electrified section.
  • Flashes of inspiration electrified Dr.
  • Davis was electrified by the image of it.
  • The scent of food and milk electrified me.
  • Hadn't the air been electrified when their eyes met on the plane?
  • Metal goes into solution in the form of electrified ions.
  • an electrified fence
  • an electrified audience