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electricity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of electricity in Hindi

  • बिजली
  • विद्युत
  •  विद्युत धारा

electricity Definition


  • a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
  • a state or feeling of thrilling excitement.

electricity Example

  • the electricity was back on ( बिजली वापस चालू थी )  
  • After a century, electricity was still being generated. ( एक सदी के बाद भी बिजली पैदा की जा रही थी। )
  • Probably some run down shack without electricity or running water - and how much of the 40 acres was vertical? ( शायद कुछ बिना बिजली या बहते पानी के झोंपड़ी चलाते हैं - और 40 एकड़ में से कितना लंबवत था? )
  • When did the electricity come on? ( बिजली कब आई? )

More Sentence

  • Steps should also be taken to save electricity, water and telephone usage.
  • The device also features a " Cholesterol " LCD, which saves electricity.
  • Utility customers can even plant shade trees to cool homes and save electricity.
  • Low-traffic airports may use pilot controlled lighting to save electricity and staffing costs.
  • That reduces the need for my heater to operate-which saves electricity.
  • Along with unseasonably cool summer weather, the efforts have helped the state save electricity.
  • If they want to save electricity, let them do it,
  • Without the plant we have two choices : save electricity or build thermal plants,
  • One proprietor switches off the games if they're not in use to save electricity.
  • In New York City, 17, 000 government workers got a day off to save electricity.
  • It's difficult to see save electricity in a sentence .
  • That great separation of positive and negative electricity sometimes takes place during rainfall is undoubted, and the charge brought to the ground seems preponderatingly negative.
  • The air was filled with electricity and the battlefield a mix of red fog and purple lightening.
  • the atmosphere was charged with a dangerous sexual electricity