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elaborate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of elaborate in Hindi


  • विस्तृत
  • जटिल
  • सुसंपन्न


  • विस्तार से करना
  • परिश्रम से बनाया हुआ
  • बहुश्रमसिद्ध

elaborate Definition


  • involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning.


  • develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail.
  • (of a natural agency) produce (a substance) from its elements or simpler constituents.

elaborate Example

  • elaborate wrought-iron gates ( विस्तृत गढ़ा-लोहे के द्वार )
  • he made an elaborate pretense of yawning ( उसने जम्हाई लेने का एक विस्तृत ढोंग किया )
  • They were elaborate carvings, which can be identified from some distance away. ( वे विस्तृत नक्काशी थे, जिन्हें कुछ दूर से ही पहचाना जा सकता है। )
  • A great part of the eastern section of the railway was constructed on Chinese territory, and elaborate preparations were made for bringing Manchuria within the sphere of Russian influence. ( रेलवे के पूर्वी हिस्से का एक बड़ा हिस्सा चीनी क्षेत्र पर बनाया गया था, और मंचूरिया को रूसी प्रभाव के क्षेत्र में लाने के लिए विस्तृत तैयारी की गई थी। )

More Sentence

  • The Etruscans practiced elaborate burials which included bronze, iron, and ivory objects.
  • She waited to see if he was going to elaborate.
  • Would you like to elaborate on why that is?
  • No, he did not elaborate on his alleged crime.
  • ROBERT: Popular? Could you elaborate on that?
  • The White House system was fairly elaborate.
  • Arjun begs him to elaborate the same again at.
  • I really don’t want an elaborate ceremony.
  • Huckabee nodded again, but he didn’t elaborate.
  • As more details of the elaborate plan began to.
  • He didn’t elaborate on it, so she put it aside.
  • The aborigines of Australia had an elaborate ritual life, supported by the world's simplest known material technologies.
  • She had no idea that such an elaborate system existed for the lower class.
  • She hesitated, as if wanting to elaborate and then shrugged.
  • "We don't have anything this elaborate where we are from," Dan said.
  • he would not elaborate on his news
  • elaborate security precautions