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eke - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eke in Hindi

  • बढ़ाना
  • पूरा करना
  • लम्बा करना


  • तथा

eke Definition


  • manage to support oneself or make a living with difficulty.


  • archaic term for also.

eke Example

  • speak me thy name and eke thy place of birth ( मुझे अपना नाम बोलो और अपना जन्म स्थान एके )
  • Bedouins are a nomadic people who somehow eke a living from moving around the desert, from oasis to wadi. ( बेडौइन एक खानाबदोश लोग हैं जो किसी तरह रेगिस्तान के चारों ओर घूमने से लेकर नखलिस्तान से वाडी तक जीवन यापन करते हैं। )
  • Pensioners are forced to retire and then eke out a miserable living. ( पेंशनभोगियों को सेवानिवृत्त होने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ता है और फिर एक दयनीय जीवन व्यतीत करना पड़ता है। )
  • Then they eke out a 20-17 victory over Indianapolis. ( फिर उन्होंने इंडियानापोलिस पर 20-17 से जीत हासिल की। )

More Sentence

  • Without public assistance, she could barely eke out a living.
  • Most eke out a living without basic water or sewer service.
  • Financial sector stocks were among the few to eke out gains.
  • Ma antsiemerin ma antsioran ar eke ir鮮 karabimit ibim ."
  • To eke out a meager living, crops demanded grueling service.
  • The central market called Eke Okwe gives the community its name.
  • Eke, was that it had to be fair.
  • Deal with them? asked Eke.
  • Bill gave the thumbs-up to Eke.
  • It's weird, huh? asked Eke.
  • Eke was thinking Bill was insane.
  • He shrugged his shoulders at Eke.
  • It's difficult to see eke in a sentence .
  • If the election was held today, she could eke it out.
  • Similarly, why try to eke blockbuster sales out of every album?
  • One of the most obvious defects of this school is excessive attachment to polysyllabic terms. Lydgate is not quite so great a sinner in this respect as are some of his successors, but his tendency cannot be mistaken, and John Metham is amply justified in his censure Eke John Lydgate, sometime monk of Bury, His books indited with terms of rhetoric And half-changed Latin, with conceits of poetry.
  • Depending on where you live, winter vegetable growing can mean extending the growing season to eke out several weeks more of fresh vegetables or truly growing vegetables during the winter months.