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egoistic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of egoistic in Hindi

  • अहंमानी

egoistic Definition


  • the material world, especially as surrounding humankind and existing independently of human activities.
  • the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization: 

egoistic Example

  • Thus Christian ethics may be said to insist equally on duty to self and duty to others, while crudely egoistic systems become unworkable if a man renders himself obnoxious to his fellows. ( इस प्रकार ईसाई नैतिकता को स्वयं के प्रति कर्तव्य और दूसरों के प्रति कर्तव्य पर समान रूप से जोर देने के लिए कहा जा सकता है, जबकि यदि कोई व्यक्ति अपने साथियों के प्रति अप्रिय हो जाता है, तो घोर अहंकारी प्रणालियां अप्रभावी हो जाती हैं। )
  • To this conclusion Berkeley seems, in the first place, to have been led by the train of reflection that naturally conducts to subjective or egoistic idealism. ( इस निष्कर्ष पर, बर्कले को लगता है, पहली जगह में, प्रतिबिंब की ट्रेन द्वारा नेतृत्व किया गया है जो स्वाभाविक रूप से व्यक्तिपरक या अहंकारी आदर्शवाद का संचालन करता है। )
  • We find in his theory no satisfactory attempt to discriminate between the pleasure aimed at by the altruist and the immediate pleasure of egoistic action. ( हम उनके सिद्धांत में परोपकारी द्वारा लक्षित आनंद और अहंकारी कार्रवाई के तत्काल आनंद के बीच भेदभाव करने का कोई संतोषजनक प्रयास नहीं पाते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Understanding was selfish intelligence: practical in the egoistic sense.
  • In its intrinsic nature it is not egoistic at all, but profoundly altruistic.
  • A less egoistic man would have seen that a national uprising was imminent.
  • Another suggestion is that voters are rational but not fully egoistic.
  • Durkheim explains that egoistic people over think and reflect on everything.
  • Protestants, for example, may default to an egoistic personality.
  • He's invincible, yet fatalistic _ and egoistic.
  • Initially, the person with an egoistic tendency likes himself.
  • Skerli used his influence to fight any egoistic or decadent movement energetically.
  • Children who don't have limits set on them become grandiosely egoistic.
  • You can't be egoistic ."
  • If this is the case, then simultaneous egoistic and altruistic motivations would occur.
  • They were never self-centered or egoistic.
  • The failure of " laissez-faire " individualism in politics to produce that common prosperity and happiness which its advocates hoped for caused men to question the egoistic basis upon which its ethical counterpart was constructed.
  • He is far too egoistic, far too preoccupied with his own taste, which is resolutely hostile to any such utilitarian program.