egg - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of egg in Hindi
egg Definition
- an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. The eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane.
- the female reproductive cell in animals and plants; an ovum.
- a person possessing a specified quality.
- urge or encourage someone to do something, especially something foolish or risky.
egg Example
- egg and bacon ( अंडा और बेकन )
- an egg sandwich ( एक अंडा सैंडविच )
- The egg popped grease and she jumped back. ( अंडे से तेल निकल गया और वह वापस कूद गई। )
- as tough as an egg dropped from a ten-story building. ( तुम उतने सख्त हो जैसे दस मंजिला इमारत से गिरा अंडा। )
More Sentence
- The development from the egg may be direct, or may take place with an alternation of generations (metagenesis), in which a non-sexual individual, the so-called scyphistoma or scyphopolyp, produces by budding the sexual medusae.
- Each female can produce up to half a million tiny eggs, each containing a globule of oil that makes the egg buoyant.
- The development of the Trachomedusae, so far as it is known, shows an actinula-stage which is either free (larval) or passed over in the egg (foetal) as in Geryonia; in no case does there appear to be a free planula-stage.
- He that will steal an egg will steal an ox.
- Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
- I always have a boiled egg for breakfast.
- He poached an egg for breakfast.
- Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
- Glaze the pie with beaten egg.
- The sauce should not boil or the egg yolk will curdle.
- The egg fell, and she gasped as it exploded on contact with the floor.
- He shot out of the chair, clawing egg from his face as he lunged toward her.
- She shrugged and put the egg in the carton.
- he liked to boast and she would egg him on shamelessly
- she was a good egg