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effigies - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of effigies in Hindi

  • पुतले
  • पुतला
  • प्रतिमा
  • मूर्ति
  • मूरत
  • गुडडा

effigies Definition


  • a sculpture or model of a person.

effigies Example

  • All effigies hanging from ropes: to denote dead souls who once lived…. ( रस्सियों से लटके सभी पुतले: मृत आत्माओं को निरूपित करने के लिए जो कभी जीवित थे…। )
  • I found her flat quite exciting: the smell of tobacco and incense, the angelic effigies, the crystals and esoteric images adorning the walls. ( मुझे उसका फ्लैट काफी रोमांचक लगा: तंबाकू और धूप की गंध, स्वर्गदूतों के पुतले, क्रिस्टल और दीवारों पर गूढ़ चित्र। ) 
  • On the front was a giant picture of Bob Marley, his dreadlocks surrounded by images of electric guitars and pre-Columbian effigies in profile. ( सामने बॉब मार्ले की एक विशाल तस्वीर थी, उनके ड्रेडलॉक इलेक्ट्रिक गिटार और प्रोफाइल में पूर्व-कोलंबियाई पुतलों की छवियों से घिरे हुए थे। )

More Sentence

  • Then, time passed over these effigies when the oblivious people forgot those good men and the entering into the Presence of the Provider of all the worlds with them.
  • Long time passed, step by step people forgot those good men and to those effigies, they limited their spirits’ facing and stuck, thinking that they had might and power.