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eerily - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eerily in Hindi

  • डरते हुए
  • भयपूर्वक

eerily Definition


  • in a strange and frightening manner.

eerily Example

  • the streets are eerily quiet ( सड़कें बेहद शांत हैं )
  • At present there are just two main biomes -- each with four segments -- that eerily resemble the magnified eyes of a fly. ( वर्तमान में केवल दो मुख्य बायोम हैं - प्रत्येक में चार खंड हैं - जो एक मक्खी की बढ़ी हुई आँखों के समान हैं। )
  • The march was cut short and needed a huge police phalanx to get it through the eerily deserted streets of Lewisham. ( मार्च को छोटा कर दिया गया था और इसे लेविशम की सुनसान सड़कों के माध्यम से प्राप्त करने के लिए एक विशाल पुलिस फालानक्स की आवश्यकता थी। )
  • As I gazed at the portrait, the man eerily peered at me and made me feel uncomfortable. ( जैसे ही मैंने चित्र को देखा, उस व्यक्ति ने मेरी ओर देखा और मुझे असहज महसूस कराया। )

More Sentence

  • While we walked into the fun house, the clown eerily screeched at us.  
  • The grey rocks eerily jutted out of the fog and caused me to trip.  
  • Robards says as eerily beautiful shots of earth fill the screen.
  • Indeed, he's eerily human for a TV star.
  • I started to, but this all sounded too eerily familiar.
  • The winds began to blow, and the fog eerily rose.
  • It looks eerily like the bridge George tries to jump off.
  • His comment eerily echoes that made after the stop at Lushan.
  • The words he had just heard echoed eerily in his head.
  • That statue eerily resembles the one in Rome that is over two thousand years old.
  • His fame only increased with the eerily prophetic non-fiction writing which followed.
  • The crime was eerily reminiscent of the Delaware kidnapping case where Howie was unsuccessful.
  • their footsteps echoed eerily