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ecotourism - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ecotourism in Hindi

  • पर्यावरणीय पर्यटन

ecotourism Definition


  • tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.

ecotourism Example

  • The segment of tourism undergoing the fastest growth is nature-based tourism, which includes ecotourism (WTTC, 2000 ). ( सबसे तेजी से विकास के दौर से गुजर रहा पर्यटन का खंड प्रकृति आधारित पर्यटन है, जिसमें पारिस्थितिक पर्यटन (डब्ल्यूटीटीसी, 2000) शामिल है। )
  • Just as importantly, why doesn't the ecotourism movement embrace urbanism? ( उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण, पारिस्थितिक पर्यटन आंदोलन शहरीकरण को क्यों नहीं अपनाता है? )
  • Last-minute cruise deals to Antarctica allow budget-conscious travelers a precious opportunity to explore one of the hottest ecotourism spots in the world. ( अंटार्कटिका के लिए अंतिम-मिनट के क्रूज सौदे बजट के प्रति जागरूक यात्रियों को दुनिया के सबसे गर्म पारिस्थितिक स्थलों में से एक का पता लगाने का एक अनमोल अवसर प्रदान करते हैं। )
  • The gruop established rainforest biodiversity reserves and opened seven ecotourism lodges. ( समूह ने वर्षावन जैव विविधता भंडार की स्थापना की और सात इकोटूरिज्म लॉज खोले। )

More Sentence

  • Bosnia has also become an increasingly popular skiing and Ecotourism destination.
  • Its extensive forests, rivers and geography are suited for ecotourism.
  • Ecotourism has increased in some countries, although effects remain undocumented.
  • Ecotourism, in particular, is a growing outdoor recreational activity.
  • It's difficult to see ecotourism in a sentence .
  • During the second week, students are based on Praslin, where they study aspects of geology, marine biodiversity and ecotourism.
  • The segment of tourism undergoing the fastest growth is nature-based tourism, which includes ecotourism (WTTC, 2000).