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economic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of economic in Hindi

  • आर्थिक
  • अर्थ संबंधी
  • अर्थशास्त्रीय
  • लाभदायक
  • लाभकर


  • मितव्ययी
  • किफ़ायती
  • लाभप्रद
  • अर्थशास्रीय

economic Definition


  • relating to economics or the economy.
  • justified in terms of profitability.

economic Example

  • economic history ( आर्थिक इतिहास )
  • many organizations must become larger if they are to remain economic ( अगर आर्थिक बने रहना है तो कई संगठनों को बड़ा बनना होगा )
  • They have no economic advantage in going to war. ( युद्ध में जाने से उन्हें कोई आर्थिक लाभ नहीं होता। )

More Sentence

  • But three years later a new economic development began.
  • In 1901-1902 the social economic condition of Italy was a matter of grave concern.
  • The article Fisheries deals with the subject from the economic and commercial point of view, and Angling with the catching of fish as a sport.
  • Infant mortality statistics are complied by social class, not by more detailed socio·economic groups.
  • This is a straight shot to economic poverty for any country desperate enough to try it
  • solar power may provide a more economic solution
  • pest species of great economic importance