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ecemplifying - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ecemplifying in Hindi

  • उदाहरण

ecemplifying Definition


  • to show or illustrate by example
  • to make an attested copy or transcript of (a document) under seal

ecemplifying Example

  • Their history is therefore not the history of a single people, centralizing and absorbing its constituent elements by a process of continued evolution, but of a group of cognate populations, exemplifying divers types of constitutional developments. ( इसलिए उनका इतिहास एक एकल लोगों का इतिहास नहीं है, जो निरंतर विकास की प्रक्रिया द्वारा अपने घटक तत्वों को केंद्रीकृत और अवशोषित करता है, बल्कि संज्ञानात्मक आबादी के एक समूह का है, जो विविध प्रकार के संवैधानिक विकास का उदाहरण है। )
  • Here, then, was Taylor's opportunity for exemplifying the wise toleration he had in other days inculcated, but the newt bishop had nothing to offer the Presbyterian clergy but the bare alternative - submission to episcopal ordination and jurisdiction or deprivation. ( यहां, टेलर के पास अन्य दिनों में विकसित की गई बुद्धिमान सहनशीलता का उदाहरण देने का अवसर था, लेकिन न्यूट बिशप के पास प्रेस्बिटेरियन पादरियों की पेशकश करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं था, लेकिन नंगे विकल्प - एपिस्कोपल समन्वय और अधिकार क्षेत्र या वंचितता को प्रस्तुत करना। )
  • If We Were a Movie: Exemplifying the playful youth that really defines Hannah Montana, this song is an ode to innocent teen love: If we were a movie/You'd be the right guy/And I'd be the best friend/That you'd fall in love with. ( इफ वी वेयर ए मूवी: हन्ना मोंटाना को वास्तव में परिभाषित करने वाले चंचल युवाओं का उदाहरण, यह गीत मासूम किशोर प्रेम के लिए एक गीत है: यदि हम एक फिल्म होते/आप सही आदमी होते/और मैं सबसे अच्छा दोस्त होता/वह तुम्हें प्यार हो जाएगा। )

More Sentence

  • Not merely as exemplifying the tactical envelopment, but also as embodying the central idea of grand strategy, was Worcester the prototype of Sedan.
  • The Rainbow is an amazing reality exemplifying the wonderful and complex creations in the universe.
  • God is omniscient, then, not in virtue of instantiating or exemplifying omniscience—which would imply a real.
  • The tape does tell the story, but charting one or two stocks is like recording the actions of one individual as exemplifying the actions of a very large family.
  • We should instead strive to live humbly, exemplifying the character of the Creator and by His strength we should strive to lift as many people as you can onto your shoulders and help carry and enable them to reach the same eternal fate of being forever in the presence of our Creator.
  • As exemplifying the effects of climatical changes on distribution, I have attempted to show how important a part the last Glacial period has played, which affected even the equatorial regions, and which, during the alternations of the cold in the north and the south, allowed the productions of opposite hemispheres to mingle, and left some of them stranded on the mountain-summits in all parts of the world.
  • The ceded revenues administered directly by the public debt council have shown remarkable expansion, and may be fairly looked upon as exemplifying what would occur in the general revenues of the empire when good and honest administration and regular payment of officials finally took the place of the carelessness, corruption and irregularity which existed up to the change of regime.
  • Livy's practice is exactly opposite to that of Cicero, since he has a marked preference for the S forms, "thereby exemplifying Cicero's saying that long syllables are more appropriate to history than to oratory.'
  • Mill's logic has the great merit of copiously exemplifying the principles of the variety of method according to subject-matter.